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It's my favorite thing. It's like your in a story and you can try to talk yourself down a little but something else happens and you're just on cloud 9 again.
It's interesting, rather than insync I think we offer each other balance because we are very different - more the ying yang thing. Not sure if that is the same thing.
Eric and I are just perfect for each other, most of his strengths are my weaknesses and most of my strengths are his weaknesses. We compliment each other very well, not to mention the fact that we look great together. =) I love him <3
Same here. We're pretty much synced up in little but meaningful ways, even if he's afk and I wait a while, I'll IM him and he's suddenly back. Good timing! Or I'm psychic...
I'm always surprised at how alike we are and think. It's really almost scary how much we have in common. It sounds totally cheesy and, I swear, if I hear other people say things like that I roll my eyes, but he is my other half.
(A few people actually thought we were brother and sister, or even twins. Aparently we look alike, too.)
edit: I feel like where it's useful to be opposites, we complete each other. I'm the messiest person ever and he actually enjoys tidying up. I'm rather impatient and he's an angel when it comes to waiting, etc. Imagine two messy or two impatient people together ... holy hell.
In other aspects, we're the same. We think the same, we like the same foods (well minus meat and salty popcorn *yuck*), the same music, holiday destinations,...
It's the first time in my life that I feel someone completely and totally understands me and that's such a great feeling.
That was one thing my husband and I were so in awe of when we first got together. We were on the same page, so in sync, and helped balance each other.
We had never had a relationship before that felt so right, and worked so perfectly. We have differences, but similarities in all the places that matter. It is a wonderful feeling
My SO and I don't finish eachother's sentences, unless one of us has forgotten a word and the other knows what their trying to say. However, quite often I'll text him just as he was texting me, or visa versa. It was even better back when we first started dating and I wanted to text him but didn't know if I was being clingy, and then two seconds later he would text me instead.
"You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty." -- Anonymous
It happens alot when we text each other. We might havent text for about a couple hours and then we message at the very same time!! That feels like hes here with me and then we say it must mean something :-)
Last edited by KiwiLove; January 14, 2011, 01:54 AM.
Reason: typo
Lately while I have been with my SO for the past nearly 7 weeks I have started to notice that often we say the same thing at the same time or one of us will mention something and it turns out the other was just thinking of the same thing. It happens so often it's awesome
My SO and I really are in sync. We play this game where we just ask each other random questions or set up a scenario and we always seem to be exactly the same with what we say/do. And it seems like everytime I reach to check my phone he calls me.. such perfect timing this happens all the time.. It's also nice when you don't have to tell the other person what is on your mind or if you're upset, they just know because they can sense it. Pretty cool stuff. (: