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Stressed!! >.<

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    Stressed!! >.<

    meeeeh >.< okay, so I don't know if all y'all know but I am currently in community college, hoping to transfer up to a university in Alberta, Canada next Fall. I think I can do it but things are getting tight =/ I haven't even been able to afford applying there yet much less anything else. I've looked at the scholarships that they offer but I'm too late for most of them and have no idea how to look for others... If I can't afford that university I'm planning on applying to a community college in the town Alex lives in currently. I don't really wanna live there (neither does he) but if I can't afford the place I WANT to go to I might as well get closer.

    My mother has decided, though, that since I'm thinking about applying for that community college it means that the only reason I'm moving up to Canada is for Alex and not for myself and so she's goign crazy with that and seesaws back and forth between supporting my relationship and saying it's wrong and we're going to break up and I'll "be sorry when he leaves" me. *sigh* u.u

    Also, if that isn't enough, my boss at the restaurant I work at is trying to make it extremely hard for me to go to school at all as she doesn't like me going as many hours as I am and is trying to make me work more. I'm looking for another job but am really not sure where to look beyond at school. ^^; What sucks even more is that the restaurant is usually closed on Mondays and since Valentine's day is on a Monday I was kind of happy since I thought it meant I would have no problem getting a night with Alex. Unfortunately for me, this is not the case since my boss has decided she will open on Valentine's and, I quote, "Everybody has to work!" Well, I have classes on Mondays, too, pretty much all day so I really CAN'T work, but she doesn't think that's a valid excuse and is telling me that I need to "work harder." =/

    *sigh* the only part of my life that I can say I'm happy with is my relationship just because Alex and I got so much closer over Christmas and he's being really sweet. But that's a double edged sword since I miss him so much it feels like someone ripped my heart out or something >.<

    sorry for the rant, I knwo y'all prolly don't have advice for me, I'm just super stressed right now and about to get worse since school starts next Tuesday.

    You can always find a part time job. The job you are working at is a disposable job, its only there to fill the time till you move on. Look around on local job websites. You shouldn't have a problem finding one that is accommodating to school. Something I just recently learned is that you have to do what is best for you. You do not owe your boss anything and if you feel stressed working there then quit.


      ^^; I totally would quit right now but I have to pay for my application fee for college ($100), finish paying off my laptop ($190), pay my parents back for book fees ($140), and apply for the community college (dunno how much that costs). So I HAVE to keep a job until at least those things are done. ^^; it really sucks.


        Could you look for a new one, apply and if you get the job quit? then you are not our of a job for more then a few days?


          For scholarships I really recommend they are always updating the scholarships they have available and they will show you specific scholarships you can apply for, for the school you want to go to and scholarships you can apply to that you can use at any school.

          I love studentawards because it's making it possible for me to afford some of my tuition for the school I want to go to in Ontario.

          Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


            New here but hope my input can help. Does your CC offer work-study? You'd be paid very little per hour but it would guarantee to be flexible around your classes. I believe that you would have to talk to the finaid office to see if anything's available.


              Originally posted by Riyko View Post
              For scholarships I really recommend they are always updating the scholarships they have available and they will show you specific scholarships you can apply for, for the school you want to go to and scholarships you can apply to that you can use at any school.

              I love studentawards because it's making it possible for me to afford some of my tuition for the school I want to go to in Ontario.
              Thanks ^^ I've been messing around on this site this morning.


                courage M., you are strong and will work this through
                Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                ~Richard Bach

                “Always,” said Snape.

