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He might finally meet my family!

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    He might finally meet my family!

    Soo excited!
    I just wanted to share my joy with all of you
    I'm in a long distant relationship not only with my boyfriend but also with my family (mom, brother, grandparents) as I've moved a few hundred km away for uni. I'm there only about twice a year so my boyfriend hasn't met them yet.

    My grandpa is celebrating his 85th in Febuary and my mum told me grandma straight off that I won't be able to make it. But we then decided it would be a really cool surprise for my grandparents, if I showed up without telling them first. I want my boyfriend to come, too so he can meet all of my family.
    We looked into train/coach tickets but it's either too expensive or really inconvenient (30h coach ride, to be there 48h...), so I jokingly told him to convince his mum to drive. It's about 800km (as opposed to >1000km to me) so driving is possible.
    His mum was actually all excited about the idea and basically agreed to do it, if she doesn't have to work, about which she'll know for sure in 3 (should be 2 today) days.

    Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
    Not only will I see my boyfriend two weekends in a row (he'll be here until the 20th, the birthday is on the 26th) but he'll finally get to meet my family!!

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

    That's great and very nice from his mum! Fingers crossed for you!
    Last edited by roosie; January 14, 2011, 04:23 PM. Reason: I can't believe I actually wrote 'her' instead of 'his'!


      Fingers crossed for you too..:-D hope everything will goes well...:-D


        It's pretty much decided now
        I already bought my tickets and my boyfriend is either going with his mum (and her bf) by car or taking a coach.

        With my mum we decided we'll keep it a secret and surprise my grand parents. Yay.

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          So kill me, but I'm bumping this again:

          They're coming! Him, his mum and her boyfriend!!

          And they'll meet my mum and my brother. I'm excited! And it's the first time my mum's meeting parents of a boyfriend of mine (I've been in two longish term relationships before this one).
          It'll be so much fun and so weird at the same time. My boyfriend's mum doesn't speak German (save for a few words) and my family doesn't speak Polish. The poor boy will have to speak German (He can... just not very well).
          Our mums are total opposites, too, My family is the stereotypical cold, reserved north-German type. My mum doesn't really talk a whole lot and for sure not with people she doesn't know. My brother's even worse (I've tried a few times to have a phone conversation with him - FAIL bigtime!).
          His mother chatters away with everyone and everything she can find, no matter íf they understand her or not - she'll talk anyway.
          They're both very sweet, but in their own ways. This is going to be interesting.

          Does anyone in an international/intercultural/inter-lingual LDR have any experience with that? How did it go for you?

          (I already had to lie to my grandma and tell her that I probs won't be able to make it, when I had the tickets right there in my desk. I'm a hopeless liar...)
          Last edited by Dziubka; January 31, 2011, 06:22 PM.

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            Wow, that's so exciting! Language barriers are easily overcome, everyone is gonna have a great time When is this happening again?
            Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


              Febuary 25th

              (added plus: we'll see each other two weekends in a row!!)

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

