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How do I do this??!

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    How do I do this??!

    Here's the issue:
    I've only dated this guy for a month, but we've been friends for a few years.
    The last official "relationships" we had were with our high school sweethearts that fizzled out when we came to college.
    We met in college, were friends for a few years, started getting closer, and ended up dating for a month before he left for his new job. We were initially just going to be casual for a month and then call it quits, but, feelings grew, and we want to try and keep it going.

    So, this is new for both of us. I could definitely see us working if he'd had a another year of college to go, but now that he's gone and starting life with an extremely time consuming job, it puts a whole new twist on things. We'd see each other a couple of times a month, hopefully.

    I feel like we'd just started to get to know each other intimately, but suddenly we have to rewire our personal language to compensate for the distance/ personal life changes. I'm skeptical, but I really like this guy. So, the main question is: How do we grow romantically and possibly fall in love over the distance?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    I met my SO two weeks before I went home for Christmas. We kept in contact everyday and he was partially the reason I went back to Germany as soon as I did. Keep communication going. You know you are physically attracted to each other now work on the emotional part. Get to know even more about the person. Skype. I think if people can fall in love without even meeting first, you can keep it going having met each other.


      To be cliche, falling in love just happens. You can certainly go the route of trying to grow it by doing romantic things even from afar (things to do forum is a good place to get ideas) and just generally getting closer by talking. snow_girl's basically got it pegged.


        Thanks. I think I'm just overthinking it a lot, and trying to cross bridges we haven't even gotten to yet.


          You're going to have to deal with life changes like these whether you're living together or apart. Regardless of distance. So I think the first question is to ask yourself: Do you WANT to make it work? If you do, then you take the time to keep talking, even if it's letters. Skype when you can. Phone calls, emails... talk. Spend the time getting to know each other as people. You'll see how he handles his life and acts as an adult, and it'll give you a chance to evaluate him from afar as to whether he's what you want in a mate.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

