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I dont know if I am just being crazy or not.

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    I dont think any of these posts sound harsh at all. I agree that the groveling was a bit much. Really all I want to help me through this is to know that he does love me and that when we are a part that he is still committed to "Us". I do not condone dishonesty. I was in a relationship for 5 years where I faked my feelings just to get through the day because I felt obligated to stay. I have been the cheater, I know the signs. He says it was innocent and that even though he was looking, he wasnt looking for sex (even though the underwear pictures make me think different) he did admit to posting those pics to get attention, and that he would never cross that line. He said he was glad I found it, because he was going to tell me but didnt know how I would have reacted. His excuse for being on there was to make friends, since he is in a new city he is looking for people like him to meet and try to make friendships with. The only problem I have is people on those apps even if they say they just want to be friends, dont really want to be friends. I told him there are other more appropriate sites to use to network and meet new people and that if it something he wants to do that he needs to be honest with me about it and to post more professional pictures than the ones he chose as well as make it clear that he is involved. I dont have a problem with him looking at porn or anything like that, because i would rather him look at porn than be trying to hook up with someone else. I need to know that at the end of the day next to himself first that I am one of the most important people in his life, that he wants to go to bed next to me and wake up next to me everyday.

    He always tells me that he never says things he doesnt mean, and he never just throws the "love" word around, not even with his family, and he says that he loves me, and is in love with me. I have let him know that if he is sexually frustrated to try a few things with me (webcam, phone etc..) to keep us both satisfied and to make sure that we make regular time for it. He expresses his love in a much different way than I do. He is more practical and I am more romantic. He is right that there is nothing he can do right now to make it any better aside from his words, and that I just need to be patient because he is coming up here this weekend. He deleted his profile, and I have confirmation of it. I will still check the app everyday to make sure that its not there, until i have some peace of mind that he is being honest with me 100%

    We still have a long road a head, and only time will tell. The thing I have to keep telling myself is that we are 300 miles away and if he really didnt want to be in a relationship with me it would be easy to turn and walk away because of the distance.


      Well, I'm glad he at least deleted the app so that's a step in the right direction. I think so long as you both can keep the communication airways clear then you can make it through this rough spot.

