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I don't wanna hear about it

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    I don't wanna hear about it

    So me and Brandon were playing Minecraft and chatting on webcam when all of a sudden he logged off because the guys all came over and they had all the new Rock Band stuff and wanted to play. I was happy that he was finally hanging out with them until about an hour later he pops back on chat to tell me how amazing and fun it is, knowing full well that I've wanted to play Rock Band since September. I asked him politely to please not tell me about it because it hurts to not be able to be there, and that I love that he's having fun but I really don't want to feel jealous, and then he got all p*ssed off and signed out and now refuses to talk to me at all, except for texting me that he's mad at me.

    I don't see what I did wrong here. I would just rather not hear about how much fun I'm missing out on when I'm already homesick. I don't know, does anyone else ever have this problem?

    I think, in his point of view, all he wanted was to share the excitement and your saying not to, even politely, was like a slap in the face to him. That's just my guess anyway. And I can understand not wanting to feel jealousy, but from one gamer to another--it's just a game. You'll have your chance to play it and have fun, even if it's not there with him so I think maybe you guys could set a rule about that sort of thing if it bothers you that much, whether it's getting x amount of minutes to gush before the subject changes or not talking about it at all.


      I can sympathize. Its a bit different but I always feel insanely upset when my ex posts pictures of a camping trip he took, or updates about going out with his friends and all that when I'm stuck with our kids he never sees. knowing he can do all that and i can't when we both made our kids is infuriating sometimes. when we were still together we were in a LDR for about 2 months. I remember getting mad when he'd talk about the things he was doing and how much fun he was having. I was out here with no friends, family who i barely knew, and a kid that kept my inside almost 24/7.

      what i would do if i were you is just give him some space. I get where he's coming from. he probebly sees it as you ruining his fun by making him feel guilty for having it. by the same token It's not far for him to be bragging about it, o once you've both calmed down try and explain it to him. ask him how he would have felt if the situation was swicthed, or give him an example. a time he had to study and you got to go out. for now, just give him space to cool off.

      I know that can be hard when your upset too sometimes >.<
      If nothing ever changed, There would be no butterflys <3


        I can see both sides...I just hope things work out quickly for you two! TALK!
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          I can also see two sides. I see his side that he is having fun with his friends .... and you could look at it that he took time out of playing it with his friends to share this with you.
          But then I understand how much it hurts when your SO is having fun without you. But I felt like this when I was younger.

          Now I actually enjoy hearing about what he has been up to. And I have just spoken to him on the phone and told him to spend extra time with his family and friends, because he only has 6 weeks left.

          I agree, talk to him.

