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How can I help?

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    How can I help?

    My SO just found out that he failed one of the classes he took last semester, and so he didn't fully graduate and he might have to go back and retake it. He just got a really good job and settled back into living at home and he doesn't know what to do, since he might have to quit and go back to school. He says there's nothing I can do to help, except by giving him a hug, because he's really sad now...

    How can I help him besides taking a bus back home? I would in a heartbeat but I can't afford the time or money it would take to go see him right now. What would be the next best thing that I can do fast that will cheer him up, even just a little?

    Spend some time with him and while you're doing that, give him a lot of support and positive feedback. Let him know you're proud of him and you'll get through this situation together. Can he take the class again online so he doesn't have to go back to school?


      Maybe if you can afford it, send him an encouraging card or a small gift with a note saying you're behind him 100%. Aside from that, just be there for him and let him know if he needs you that you're there 24/7.


        Encourage him to make some phone calls and see if they'd consider some alternative such as distance schooling or papers he could do in order to make up the grade, given the situation with the good job and distance. They might be willing ot help him make up a correspondence course. If he can get them to do it, then make sure to encourage him so he does it!

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Also, if his school doesn't offer it through distance ed maybe encourage to look into other schools that might and would allow him to transfer the credits over.

          When I know The Boy's feeling down I email him a love letter or a funny video or anything I can come up with to let him know I'm thinking of him. I'm sure anything you do will be appreciated.

          "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
          -- Anonymous


            I agree with what was suggested. Distance education. Transferable units from a local school and online classes are always good ideas. My SO had a similar situation last semester and i listened to him allowed him to be upset asked him what I could do and when he finished venting I told him i was still proud of him and that even if it was longer than he wanted he was almost done. Then we talked about something else and continued the convo later when he was less bummed.


              Great suggestions already... I would send a card a day for a's what I do when my SO has a rough time...
              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

