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What should i do?

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    What should i do?

    I'm at a dilimma at what i should do with this, i plan on going over there in August, i want to go over there sooner and actually end the distance this year before Christmas, only problem is i dunno if i'll have the money for a plane ticket after the i do the Settlement visa which is gonna be $2,000 something if i rush it and if i do it that way and end up missing christmas it wont be a good thing....what do you guys think i should do?

    I'm a little confused - are you saying you won't have enough money for the ticket and the visa by Christmas, or you're afraid you won't have the money because you've got anther trip planned?

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Well what's the other option? Not rush the process? I think it would be best to do whatever option leaves you most financially sound. If you could afford rushing the process, buying a plane ticket, and have enough money in reserves to support yourself for 3 months I'd say go for it! But if you're worried about money, I would take the longer, more secure route. I know you want to do this ASAP since you just got home from a visit, but I think money is something that can put a serious strain on a relationship. It's best to move in somewhat stable.

      Good luck!


        Originally posted by Silviar View Post
        I'm a little confused - are you saying you won't have enough money for the ticket and the visa by Christmas, or you're afraid you won't have the money because you've got anther trip planned?
        im planning on visiting her for 6 months in August, when i come back i have to do the Settlement visa which costs $2,000 something and thats if i rush it if i dont its $1,000 something and i have to wait a few months to get an answer


          To begin with: We all know how hard LDRs are and how promising the perspective of closing the distance is. An end to all the goodbyes, being alone, not being able to completely share your life with the person you love most is damn tempting.
          I totally know how you feel, but I still think you should go for the 1000$-visa and wait a few months. That way, when you get back, you can get a job (or two...) and earn enough for your flight and your living there. Moving is never easy, and moving overseas much less so. You might want to take at least some of your belongings and overseas shipping is expensive. You might have to get done a few things before you move (I mean... it's trivial, but closing your bank account and stuff), such a big move is really not something you should rush into.

          If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to live off, when you'll be visiting for 6 months, since you're not allowed to work?

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            i have Social Security which helps alot


              Dziubka is right, you need to plan this very carefully, and take the time to save up your money. If it were me, I'd start looking for a second job right now to help with expenses. In the bigger scheme of things, what's a couple of months anyhow? There are a lot of things you aren't considering here, like having enough cash saved to contribute to the household. It may not seem like a big deal, but if you think about it, every one of the bills will go up, can Denise afford that easily? I know how anxious you are to make this move, as quickly as possible, but a little forethought will go a long way. An international move is a big thing, with a ton of planning involved, you have to start making some lists and talking to people in ex-pat forums about their experience, so you don't end up in a bad way.
              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

