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Diet Differences

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    We're different in the aspect that my boy will pretty much eat anything and I am extremely finicky. I'm not vegetarian (though could easily pass for one as I don't eat a lot of meat anyway) but I'm very choosy simply because I'm like that three year old who'll only eat pasta, cereal and apples and pouts when there's nothing else available. For the most part though this isn't really too huge of a problem since it simply means, when we eat out, we ave to find places that'll have something I'll like, in which it's easy for him to find something he likes too.

    Since we've never 'lived' together, I don't know how it'd be in terms of home-cooked meals, but I'm very used to making things only for myself (I'm not very big on the whole eating with the family scenario), and I'm pretty sure he is as well so I can imagine it'd be quite simple for us to make our own food, and if I were to ever make something for both us (not vice versa as once again I'm incredibly picky and don't often like when others' cook my food ) I'm 99% certain he'd have no complaints.


      My SO and I will pretty much eat whatever. I am mildly lactose intolerant so I don't eat many dairy products. And he doesn't eat pork for religious reasons, which is fine by me. I was a vegetarian during college so I don't mind leaving out pork.


        WOW. I'm really surprised to see all the veg-heads!
        I am also a vegetarian with a carnivore boyfriend. As far as I'm concerned, he can eat whatever he wants. Neither of us force anything on the other
        We both LOVE to cook but I refuse to even touch meat, and he understands that. He's learned to vegetarian-ize a lot of the things he already knew how to cook, so it's nice
        As far as kids go, they can also eat whatever they want. but I have to admit, I'd be super excited if one decided to become a vegetarian, too.


          Yeah I'm super happy to see all the veggies in here

          I was basically raised vegetarian. We would maybe eat chicken or hamburgers once a month and it was like a "special treat". haha I started going vegan for Lent every year (not Catholic, just like the challenge!) and then just stopped going back to vegetarian. Now that I've found out I have high cholesterol (which pisses me off cuz I'm healthy weight, exercise every day, and have a really healthy diet but ANYWAYS...) I'm back to being vegan full time again!


            I actually thought about this thread today ;-) I'm on a visit until Sunday and we ordered pizza today (did I mention that my boyfriend can't even 'cook' pasta?) and he said he liked me not eating meat, because I can't steal his food and that way there's more for him.
            I'm sort of guilty though. When he has something I can eat, I'll -uhh- try it. I can't help it, other people's food always looks so much better than mine!

            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


              My GF has told me, that she could easily see herself as a vegetarian as she has no craving for meat (perhaps with salmon or chicken as the only exceptions ^^) I, however, like meat! I reeeeaaaally like meat, and er... I kinda like everything else as well :]~ My SO and I have actually set out trying to find something I dislike, but so far to no avail. So obviously I'm normally be the one whipping up some gourmet yummies at dinner time.
              There are a few things she's not crazy about though.. for instance visible onion chunks, celery, sweet corn, strong cheese (..the REALLY strong ones aren't exactly my favorit either to be fair :S) and olives. But that is no biggie, and so far I've managed to come up with dishes she's been more than happy to binge on.. Not necessarily HEALTHY dishes, but whatever


                I forgot to mention something else that's a diet restriction :P. I am very obsessive compulsive over what I eat XP. I refuse to eat onions unless they're caramelized, and even then I don't like them too much. Certain softs foods feel horrible for me! D: I refuse to eat chicken unless I make it since I know exactly how to make it. Even then, sometimes I'll refuse to eat it. There's so much more, but it's gonna take me so long to list it all! D:

