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What do you do when your together?

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    What do you do when your together?

    So my bf and I are finally getting to see each other again! (yay!!) I'm excited to see him AND getting to see los angeles for the first time. With so much to see and do in LA, i am adding everything up in my head, and it is getting to be abit pricy, which means, seeing each other next time gets further away. So i guess my general question is, what do you and your bf/gf do when your together again? Do you get touristy? or just chill like you would if you got to see each other all the time?

    How does everyone spend trips to see their bf/gf?

    I get to see my boy every six months or so, so its always pricy. We do all the touristic things because we always meet in a place we are both interested about, what helps bring the budget down is we never go for the tourist packaga that includes hotel and ticket and all that. We find tickets with discounts online and hotels online but separately, then we make sure we get maps and ride on buses instead of using taxis or renting a car, we do rent cars when we want to get to see different cities of the same country. We only eat in restaurants once or twice and make sure its a very nice and romantic restaurant so it gets expensive but the rest of the time we buy things in markets and eat that (including beer and drinks for our own little parties in the room instead of going to clubs since the whole purpose is to see each other)
    Do you or your bf know anyone in LA? Originary people from there can point you to great inexpensive places and things to do. Maybe someone here is from LA and can give better tips than mine
    Enamorada de ti!!


      We tend to do a combination of touristy things and laying around. For instance we have gone to zoos and movies... but we also have gone to local parks that are free and had picnics. We have gone to the beach, laid in bed all day just cuddling and watching movies and even rode a city bus to an area of town and walked around just window shopping. You dont have to spend a ton of money to have fun and spend quality time. There are lots of things you can do without spending a fortune. Some of the best time my fiance and I have spent together has been where we didnt spend much at all and just got to hold hands, kiss and walk around all afternoon.


        You really can do fun things, spending money, or without.

        My first trip to see my fiancee, we did a whole lot of going out to do stuff. We went to see a movie (Which we both ended up hating lol), went just grocery shopping together, we went to a local park and took pictures going all through it, and we went to a nearby farmstead (Twice actually, since the first time we went it was just closing. And I proposed to her on our second trip.), I built her a panda bear at Build-A-Bear Workshop(Since it has some symbolic value to us), we went bowling, played skeeball at an arcade, went sightseeing around some local areas, among a bunch of other outings we did.

        But then my second trip to see her, we stayed in a lot more. We did a puzzle together, and spent virtually the rest of the trip cuddling and watching TV shows. We figured we did enough doing the first trip, that it would be nice to just have some just the two of us time instead, and it was wonderful.


          We do a mix. We normally don't go out to eat, but rather grocery shop and cook together. We play games, and watch movies at home. If we do go out for a dinner and a movie we make sure its just the two of us so its extra special. We go for walk, went to a zoo, and walked on the beach!


            We don't do anything special, it's enough for both of us to just be together and do normal everyday things like regular couples. Just being with him makes it special no matter what we do or where we go.


              We do both. A little bit of everything, but not spending too much because we are saving for our future together. But to be honest, after being away for so long, the first things I like to do is just chill out with him!!


                I have yet to meet Alex. ^^; but he and I are supposed to meet on May 29th and we're meeting in a larger city, so the first day I expect we might do a little bit of touristy things, but then we go to his house so I expect we'll hang out and try to get used to the situation and try to get used to actually being together for the first time. If that goes well he is headed to my place in the winter and I'll show him around my town and all. It won't be very touristy, though. ^^;


                  we have lots and lots of.......quality time together :P seriously tho after a long timeapart its so great to just be able to be intimate with someone again so while we do alot of things like going on small trips and such (when she was here in january i took her on a suprose long weekend to spain) its most important to just get time alone together. *insert joke about this being the typical guys way of thinking here*


                    We usually do a bit of both on each visit. Especially in the beginning, we did lots of touristy things. However, we usually leave at least one entire day for laying around and cuddling When my SO lived closer to me, we were more likely just to lay in bed cuddling and watch TV and surf the net together! As of lately, we do not have a lot of money, so we make going out a special event.

                    What all we have done together:
                    -been to the zoo
                    -had a picnic
                    -visited a park with a waterfall
                    -seen Hamlet...and then left halfway through because it was boring :P
                    -gone hiking
                    -two concerts
                    -two water parks
                    -cook dinner together (only once because usually we just eat out)
                    -drove to New Orleans and visited the Aquarium and the French Quarter
                    -a school carnival--we rode the ferris wheel!
                    -went to a bar to go dancing
                    -went to a observatory and saw a shooting star *our favorite
                    -random meet ups with each others families
                    -went to Charleston with my mom and sister and hung out at the beach
                    -walked around my school campus
                    -I sat in during his classes one day!
                    -have been to two art museums
                    -took a tour of a haunted plantation
                    -been to the Renaissance festival
                    -had our fortunes told by a psychic
                    (that is all I can remember, but there is probably a lot more lol!)

                    and normal things like going to the bookstore, hanging out at the mall, and going to the movies. Oh! I also usually sit in his work whenever he has a shift and I will just surf the net
                    Last edited by Bluestars; February 27, 2010, 11:03 AM.


                      Originally posted by Irishguy View Post
                      we have lots and lots of.......quality time together :P seriously tho after a long timeapart its so great to just be able to be intimate with someone again so while we do alot of things like going on small trips and such (when she was here in january i took her on a suprose long weekend to spain) its most important to just get time alone together. *insert joke about this being the typical guys way of thinking here*
                      Quality times are goooooooooooood


                        We dont tend to do many touristy things anymore (haha because we've done them all!) but we try to split our time between doing new things and just being comfy.

                        We like to try new restaurants, go downtown for a drink or dessert or check out a new exhibit at a museumn. But we also love to watch movies at home with our puppy, and cook dinner together, and we are champion nappers! Its a good mix of staying home and relaxing and keeping busy.

                        We also usually try to spend at least one night at a hotel/resort. I know that can be kind of pricey though (I work for a hotel company so its much cheaper for me) but if you can afford it, its a lot of fun to just get out of town and relax at a hotel too.

                        Be creative and have fun! Whatever you do, it will be awesome, because you're doing it together


                          We make extensive plans.. then don't get out of bed/off the sofa.


                            It all depends. My boyfriend is a college kid and I'm still in high school so we're a bit broke, so I feel you when you say things can get pricey FAST!

                            As said before, when you're not constantly with your SO, sometimes the mundane things such as cuddling are the most memorable. For Valentine's Day, my boyfriend and I just watched a romantic movie and had snuggle time.

                            Although we often do things that require no money, such as go hiking, go to the mall, ect. Especially since he LOVES shopping. For me. It's kind of cute but the kind of shopping he likes is DRESS shopping. So a lot of times we'll head over to the mall and he'll pick out several evening gowns for me to try on.

                            Movies are always cheap and fun. Also in LA, you could probably take a day trip to one of the surrounding areas such as Julian, Newport Beach, Santa Monica Mountains, or browse some boutiques (sometimes it's just fun to look!) such as Melrose Avenue, the Garment District, or the Grove and Farmer's Market.

                            My boyfriend and I love playing card/board games with each other. Especially when we spice things up, such as winner gets a kiss. Another favorite of ours is 20 Questions. We usually ask things like, "What did you think when you first saw me?" or "When did you know that you loved me?" It's tons of fun, especially to hear it when you can actually see them.

                            Good luck and have fun, whatever you two decide to do! =]


                              When Jake and I do get to see each other we just like to spend time hanging out just the two of us. A lot of lounging around and just talking happens. We like to go look at video game stores and watch movies together. He is a theatre major and last time I went to visit him we went to see one of the student productions he designed the sound for and that was really cool.

