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I'm losing the spark. :(

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    I'm losing the spark. :(

    It has been 3 months since the last time me and my SO met. We used to go online on skype almost everyday and talk about nothing at all for hours. but due to our own businesses we decreased it into 2-3 times per week. Surprisingly, I find myself feeling comfortable with this condition. The last video call we had was so boring, I felt like we dont have much to share no more. Now we haven't talk for a week, and I don't miss him. I know the spark will be all over again when we met but is it okay to keep a relationship like this? What should I do when the convo goes boring?

    We've all been through the nothing-to-say stage. It's so annoying at times, so you're not alone. There's help guides online with loads of questions so you could give have a mini quiz with him every night, or ask about movies or games or television.


      I find that too. When you are with your SO you don't need to always be talking, its perfectly fine to sit and watch a show or a movie without talking. On skype its not as easy to sit and just do your own thing, you feel that you need to keep up some sort of conversation. My SO and I just were talking about that, other then work I don't have a lot to talk about so we limit talking on skype to about twice a week. It gives us something to look forward to and gives you a few days to round up some good conversation topics. I also find that I don't desperately miss him daily I don't feel like my life is over if I don't hear from him for a couple days. I blame this on my independence. I wouldn't worry about your feelings unless you start feeling like you don't have any feelings for him whatsoever.


        Originally posted by Snowy.Winter View Post
        We've all been through the nothing-to-say stage. It's so annoying at times, so you're not alone. There's help guides online with loads of questions so you could give have a mini quiz with him every night, or ask about movies or games or television.

        thanks.. your daisypath just amazed me. I wonder how you can survive LDR that long. Wow.


          Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
          I find that too. When you are with your SO you don't need to always be talking, its perfectly fine to sit and watch a show or a movie without talking. On skype its not as easy to sit and just do your own thing, you feel that you need to keep up some sort of conversation. My SO and I just were talking about that, other then work I don't have a lot to talk about so we limit talking on skype to about twice a week. It gives us something to look forward to and gives you a few days to round up some good conversation topics. I also find that I don't desperately miss him daily I don't feel like my life is over if I don't hear from him for a couple days. I blame this on my independence. I wouldn't worry about your feelings unless you start feeling like you don't have any feelings for him whatsoever.
          Ah so good to know there's someone feeling the same. Thanks..


            Well, eventually, you're going to lose the spark. A spark is nothing more than a momentary flash of superbrightness. What it should do is start a fire in you. I don't have a spark with my SO, and there are times I can think about him calmly, logically, without getting all super girly giggly. But he warms my heart, puts a smile on my face, and I still love him to bits.

            Let the spark die and fuel the fire. The quieter talking points are because those are the points you'd probably go and do something, were you together IRL. It just happens - it doesn't mean your relationship is any less or worse. Just keep up the quality of your relationship when you do talk, and keep loving, laughing, enjoying. I can not talk to my SO and not miss him for awhile. Everyone is different. I'd say you're just maintaining the relationship well, unless he's bothered by it and needs more time.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              Just because it's online doesn't mean you can't actually DO SOMETHING together. So find something to do. Maybe a craft project? Maybe a game? Look at the big list of things to do. But do it together, and that will really help.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

