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I'm Canadian, He's Brazilian ... how can we find a way to be together?

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    I'm Canadian, He's Brazilian ... how can we find a way to be together?

    I met my current boyfriend this past summer while working on a cruise ship. We are both from different countries (i'm from Canada and he's from Brazil). We hit it off instantly and are crazy about each other. I had to leave to go back to Canada in September to finish off my final year of University while he stayed on the ship. He then came and surprised me in Canada for a 3 week visit and then we both ended up working together again over the Holidays on the same ship. I am currently back in Canada finishing my last semester of school and he is on the ship working until April.
    The problem is, we want to find a way of being together (besides working on ships because we won't always end up on the same ship each time) but with visa restrictions and us both being from different countries its hard to find a job to be together. Its extremely painful because we are both so in love and we want to overcome this and try to figure out a way of being together. We are looking into getting TEFL (teaching english as a foreign language) certified and then working away in another country for awhile, but we both know we can't do that forever.
    Does anyone have any advice on how we can try to break this distance and finally be able to be together, or has anyone ever experienced this difficult situation before?
    I'd appreciate hearing anything!

    Well just my input on TEFL-- if he's not a native English speaker, it'll be hard for him to find a job teaching English. If you're wanting to just "be together" but not really settle in, you could always find a country that has a really easy visa process. A lot I've been to in Central and South America give you 90 day visas. All you have to do to renew it is leave the country for 3 days, then come back in. Do it as often as you'd like. You just need proof that you're going to be leaving again.

    Here's some things that come to my mind. YOU move to Brazil. It's almost always easier for a North American to find work in other countries than the other way around. (except for in the EU... but anyways...) Get your TEFL (online, actual course, whatever) then find a job teaching English. You won't earn a lot, but you'll get enough to put beans and rice on the table and a metal roof over your head. Another way is try to find a hostel or restaurant or bar or hotel to work at. You can usually apply online before you get there. And if he speaks fluent English he could probably land a job somewhere.

    Hope some of those ideas help. Good luck!

    PS-We're all in this difficult situation of attempting to break the distance. That's why we're here


      Firstly, Welcome to LFAD!!!

      Secondly, I can relate to you on this! My SO is from Brazil too! He's trying really hard to move over here (america) so we can be together, but i've been tossing the idea around of me living in Brazil for a few years. We both don't have very great jobs. And we both want to go to school. It's kind of a hard situation. =p But i agree with lucybelle. try to find a country where you can both live and be able to settle there pretty easily. It is a lot easier for us in north american to get a visa. Try and look up programs set up by your country to travel abroad and see if there are any opportunities to travel to brazil. I know there are a lot for teaching, and working for the summer.

      Just do a lot of research! Best of luck to you and your relationship

