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Stressed before a visit?

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    Stressed before a visit?

    Lately I've been very stressed out and I think it's because of the upcoming visit, which is in 2 weeks. It's our first visit as well. I've had some bumps in the planning which set the bar and I feel like now I'm just waiting for the next thing to go wrong. I don't find myself worrying but I'm ready to pull my hair out every waking moment and it's affecting my sleep so that I go to bed at 10 and wake up at 2-3 in the morning and never go back to sleep. It's driving me up the wall.

    My question is, has anyone ever been this stressed out before their first visit or any visit? How did you deal with it?

    yeah I was pretty stressed for our first visit but that's a whole different story xD

    my friend was supposed to drive me to the airport so I could go pick him up but a couple days before the day he arrived she got her car taken away so it was pretty stressful trying to find and alternate ride, he ended up having to take a taxi to our meeting point and I had to drive for an hour in a car with my ex and his friend Dx it was so awful.

    Met: 8.17.09
    Started Dating: 8.20.09
    First Met: 10.2.10
    Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


      Yes - I was super stressed before his first visit down here, but that's partly because I wasn't sure what was going to happen. It's normal to stress, because I think we place so much pressure on how we expect the visit to go. I myself need to learn how to just relax and let the visit happen and enjoy the moments together instead of worrying about everything that I could possibly forget to pack or forget to take car of before taking off.

      Something that helped a little on my last trip was making my lists of everything I planned on taking. As I packed it away, I could check it off the list. And signing up for text message updates from the airline, especially since my flight had already been canceled and rescheduled twice before due to weather. Happily, you won't have that issue since it doesn't snow in Orlando

      Once I get off the plane though, and I see his face waiting for me past the secrity gate, then it all fades away...

      I'm so thrilled for you that you're finally going through with this!


        Awww~! I'm so happy for y'all! But, yeah. Is very very stressful ^^; Just...daydream ^^ and decide what you want to think about. maybe. Or distract yourself. Either way it's not going to change things, unfortunately ^^; You basically have to ride it out, as annoying as that is.


          I get so stressed! I have this stupid fear that he won't think I'm pretty anymore or something. It all goes away when I finally see him though.


            Oh god, yes. So, because we live so far apart, we had to plan my trip 5 months in advance. There were bumps in some ways because I had to do lots of planning to make sure everything was set. I was so stressed out it messed with my sleep, and my SO and I argued extensively about a week before I went out. In fact, I was so strung out from the fighting that I worried this was the end for us - I mean, I loved him crazy mad, but when you fight that much, sometimes worries override common sense.

            As someone who's traveled a lot, just remember that things do go off-plan. Don't let it worry you. Dealing with travel, the ups and down, is like leading condensed life - everything is brighter, harsher, more stressful, and more amazing.

            I'll tell you what I did - I made myself focus on a few indepth projects, and I also spent a lot of time working out - even taking walks if you can helps a LOT. Stress releases endorphins into your body, and working out lets you get rid of them so they don't build up and do things like mess with your sleep.

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              I do get a little stressed. The upcoming visit is a little more stressful for me since I'm the one visiting him. I've never been on a train and I've never traveled by myself before. On top of that, I'm worried I won't look okay since my face has been breaking out a lot lately. I know he won't care, but I'd like to not look like a pizza face when I visit him. And there's the whole thing about how we've had to keep postponing a visit since last October. I deal with it all by just trying to think positive thoughts, like how nothing is going to stop this visit and how wonderful it'll be to finally see him again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, lol.


                I wouldn't necessarily say that I get stressed before a visit, but I get soooooooooooooooooo nervous. To the point of making myself sick. The only time I was stressed about him visiting was when he was meeting my parents. X-) That was a rough one for me.


                  I usually get more nervous feeling than stressed but congrats on meeting up soon, that is awesome!

                  Madly in love with Michael


                    Originally posted by hillke View Post
                    I get so stressed! I have this stupid fear that he won't think I'm pretty anymore or something. It all goes away when I finally see him though.
                    This exact thing.


                      totally stressed and whipping myself into a panic - but then you see each other and it's all forgotten


                        While I was very nervous about our past visits, I was also very excited. I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't anything to stress about because once my SO was with me, I would feel worry-free. I did however wake up with a cold sore the day BEFORE my boyfriend came to see me for a second time. Which meant my whole day consisted of treating the cold sore so I would be able to kiss him while he was here.

                        Just keep yourself distracted and think of the good times ahead.


                          I'm so damn stressed out lol, this is our first time meeting and I leave this time next week and god am I sooooo cranky lol. I verge on panic attack stressed out lol. I'm just hoping this week goes fast because I'm not sure I could handle being this stressed for so long.
                          I suffer from anxiety so I know stress and this is hell lol.
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                            I don't get stressed... I get really nervous and excited though! My stomach is full of butterflies and I can't stand still.


                              I was terrified before the first visit! We had this big age difference, couldn't even afford phone calls, and yet we booked a 5 week visit! Somehow his coming from Canada made it more stressful. I also had tons and tons and tons of self doubt, which made the wait that much harder. I was absolutely ready to cancel a day before he got on the plane. Like, thanks for the 8 months and the good times in world of warcraft, but I'm too freaked out to go forward now. O_O
                              The only thing that kept me from saying that was just to get away from the computer and distract myself as much as possible.

                              Anyways, I'm really excited you guys get to be together, finally!!

