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Messenger Logs?

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    Messenger Logs?

    I remember when I crept Kyles computer when I was with him and he had each log from when we first started talking, and I loved to creep through them and see our old conversations It was basically watching how we fell in love. I wish I could copy and paste some of the hilarious conversations we had, but they're on his computer.

    Anybody got cute log excerpts they'd like to share?

    I actually shared one the other day in my blog! You're reading my mind=)

    *after being removed from the country earlier than planned under unpleasant pretenses*
    me: I'm just sad because I'll never see you again.
    him: Don't say that. You'll see, the universe will conspire so that we see each other again.

    That is somewhat of a quote from The Alchemist-- a book we talked about a lot. It says "If you want something, the universe will conspire so that you get it."

    2 years later... that man is moving in with me! Thanks universo!!!


      d'aww I love this!! I post some on my blog every once in a while... little things that took my breath away, things that ill need on a minutes notice later, if its to prove a point or to make me smile or if i ever doubt his feelings for me.... Yep <3

      Me : 0.o lets get married and move to the UK im totally kidding by the way....
      Him : Lol but why UK ?
      Me : because its far away and ive never been
      Him : and you wouldn't have problems with the language
      Me : exactly
      Him : ahhahaha yeah...
      Me : or Canada lets go to canada ok?
      Him : That is okay, I would have to adapt myself with the temperature, but I can do it It's good to know how to express the feelings, emotions, opinions and translate hidden subjectiveness from the uknown to the well known words (and I am being able to do it in a different language)
      Me : We can go to the part that speaks French and learn it by jumping into it without knowing how to speak it
      Him : That would be the easiest way to learn, even thought, the one that people are most scared about
      Me : Cuz your so tall!
      Him : But what does the height have to do with the French? lol
      Me : Shh just go with it
      Him : Rofl then, okay let's do it
      Me : =] that would be fun if it were possible
      Him : LOL yeah... if it was possible it would be, for sure you would have someone to rely upon
      Me : =] I want a loft

      Ya know the point that you can see where it all started to go in the direction of falling in love? Thats where ours started... We still talk about this convo.


        Ahh I wanted to get in on the fun even though this thread is a little old. This is back in the first few weeks of bliss. Talking constantly and getting so excited.

        HIM: Where the fuck did you come from?
        HIM: Is there a factory churning out more?
        HIM: This is almost unreal.
        ME: ha yes, i have a secret, i have a twin soooo
        ME: no im just kidding
        HIM: It's like I designed you
        HIM: in the future
        HIM: and sent you back in time to meet me
        HIM: haha
        ME: maybe you did
        ME: its possible
        HIM: No, because I'm pretty sure the address wouldn't read "Minnesota"

        ..classic LDR, huh? Very sweet.


          I do find myself reviewing our text transcripts. I won't share any here, because they are always peppered with obscure pop culture references, but yeah. Some of them are cute.

          When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

          True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

          When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

          1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


            Athila says
            hm ok...
            I love big names
            Tiff . says
            yea i know! You freak!
            Athila says
            Tiffinnie [insert his first middle name] [insert her two middle names] [insert his second middle name] [insert his first last name] [insert her hyphenated last name] [insert his last last name]
            Tiff . says
            fucking. no.
            Athila says
            what ?
            Tiff . says
            not. going. to add. all that...
            Athila says
            I know
            Tiff . says
            you are absolutely insane.
            Athila says
            don't need to add any
            Tiff . says
            I'd add [insert his last last name]... or [insert his entire last name]
            Athila says
            I can't add [insert her two middle names] anyway
            Tiff . says
            o.0 that would be weird.
            Athila says

            of course.
            Tiff . says
            boys dont add names...
            Athila says
            usually not... but I am not too much a fan of old society standards so I would add yours.
            Tiff . says
            Athila says
            What? there's no rule saying that boys can't add girl's name... it's something that has been going through the years and the society picked up like girls adding boys name...
            but again, it's not a rule... it's what people think is more normal to do
            Tiff . says
            so would you be Athila [insert his two middle names] [insert his entire last name] [insert her hyphenated last name]? O_O
            Athila says
            Tiff . says
            and I would be Tiffinnie [insert her two middle names] [insert her hyphenated last name] [insert his entire last name]?
            Athila says
            You don't need to add any of mine if you don't like
            but I like yours, so I would add it
            Tiff . says
            if i get married im adding my husbands name to mine
            Athila says
            will '[insert his entire last name]' be on yours then ?
            Tiff . says
            or just [insert his last last name]

            EPIC CONVO WAS EPIC! Unconventional boyfriend for the win!


              We write books when we're being cute. >_>

              Him: *smiles and cuddles you closer*
              Me: *wriggles a bit in false protest* Silly man..
              Him: *gently nibbles at the back of your neck* Am I?
              Me: *leans away, trying to get the sensitive and fully exposed area from your reach* Of course. Then again you are many things.
              Him: *tightens his grip around your waist until almost painful, the other clamping your shoulder to prevent escape* ...oh? Do enlighten me, then...of these many things I am. ^___^
              Me: *her heart skips a beat in both excitement and natural apprehension for the dominating move, but she just smiles* And why should I?
              Him: *bares his canine against the tender flesh there, pulling rather assertively at you to bring you closer to an unmistakable warmth growing where you sit* ...perhaps because there is a reward for honesty...or, above all else...simply because I said so.
              Me: *a shudder racks her, trickling down her spine as though someone were running their hands rapidly down a keyboard. She could fight, but there seemed to be no desire for it* Well since you asked so sweetly, love... You're absolutely maddening to the senses, yet a balm to any burns and wounds the world gives. You, as I've said before, are my muse, my entire inspiration for creation of any sort and a damned incubus as well. But most of all, more than what I've said and have not, you are mine and you are the man I love.
              Him: *with a smile overwhelming the otherwise grim expressionless scowl of a taskmaster set well within his trade, he softens dramatically at the truth...only to revert mere seconds later. Grasping ahold of your hair in one hand, he gives a yank sharp enough to snap your head back, one which seems violent enough until his lips find yours shortly afterward in a long sought kiss*
              Me: *the shock overwhelms for but a second, the pain in her scalp burning yet almost instantly soothed when your lips find hers and she forgets any other words or actions, merely melting into the kiss with a smile*
              Him: I love you.
              Me: I love you too, more than I can tell you.

              Told him once about me archiving all our conversations and he freaked out like I had major dirt on him. XD Told me "no matter what you bring to the police regarding what I say you're still legal." (he swears I look 16)


                I have one but its kind of long lol

                Nathan says:oh speaking of waiting and stuff you know about how you said about one of my t-shirts yeah
                Chelsea says: yeah i dont want like one of ur favs or nothin
                Nathan says: thick or thin?
                Chelsea says: mhmm thin so if i sleep in it i wont get hot
                Nathan says: dirty or clean
                Chelsea says: what? lol what kinda Q is that lol
                Nathan says: a sensible one, just answer it
                Chelsea says: lol k u can pick one from the drawer nothing from the hamper lol or been on the floor for months
                Nathan says: lol so clean not been worn
                Chelsea says: no u hafta have worn it
                Nathan says: reacently or the day of sent lol
                Chelsea says: lol fine if that means dirty then dirty
                Nathan says: lol what?
                Chelsea says: a shirt uve had for a year or more lol k
                Nathan says: yeah lol clean? or dirty
                Chelsea says: k dirty then? ur confusing me
                Nathan says: so one ive worn all day that day?
                Chelsea says: lol if u wore it before its dirty?? lol
                Nathan says: lol dirty as in needs washed
                Chelsea says: ur making me laugh lol no it can be clean lol just i want it to have been worn mutiple times in the past. kay lol that sound fine?
                Nathan says: lol thank you so clean
                Chelsea says: so its one if urs not just a new shirt
                Nathan says: washed lol
                Chelsea says: lol ur making this hard,yes
                Nathan says: ok
                Chelsea says: but old lol
                Nathan says: in bits or whole
                Chelsea says: not a newer one lol wholes fine
                Nathan says: and so is bits kay
                Chelsea says: u have shirts in bits? lol
                Nathan says: lol i can make it in bits lol
                Chelsea says: no lol leave as is
                Nathan says: ok
                Chelsea says: as if u were gona wear
                Nathan says: lol bigger or smaller
                Chelsea says: why not grab one u would like to give me and show me lol and ill say yes or np, no*
                Nathan says: its getting washed i think
                Chelsea says: u have one in mind already?
                Nathan says: lol yeah as soon as you asked
                Chelsea says: lol its one u were gonna throw out huh?
                Nathan says: nope
                Chelsea says: lol im kidding, kay ill take that one then
                Nathan says: ill show you maybe
                Chelsea says: kay

                lol i just love our playfulness and see he likes to tease me lol cause he had a shirt already aparently so he didn't need to ask any of those questions. Gosh i love and miss him
                I love you Nathan <3
                5/25/09 <3


                  I still have mine, though all the really old ones are on my old computer which barely works now. Should probably get them off it before it dies. Though none of them compare to the stupidity that we have done on camera or in person. When I was over there with him we had many "Um why the hell did we do that" moments.
                  Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


                    here's a little excerpt from one of my logs from when we were first falling in love :P

                    [AGN] Vhalor: so how were your dreams? (the ones involving me)
                    [AGN] Michu: rofl
                    [AGN] Michu: they were good actually, but i bet you had even better ones about me
                    [AGN] Vhalor: o yeah?
                    [AGN] Michu: yeah... so did u like ur dreams?
                    [AGN] Vhalor: they were good also
                    [AGN] Michu: lol just good?
                    [AGN] Vhalor: well
                    [AGN] Vhalor: when you were there, it was amazing, ofcourse
                    [AGN] Vhalor: you seem confident that your the girl of my dreams :P
                    [AGN] Michu: oh im pretty sure i am
                    [AGN] Vhalor: yeah and you like it that way don't you
                    [AGN] Michu: of course
                    [AGN] Michu: so my dreamer boi is obsessed with me
                    [AGN] Vhalor: lol
                    [AGN] Vhalor: you're the one who is obsessed you know
                    [AGN] Michu: i highly doubt that
                    [AGN] Vhalor: nah
                    [AGN] Vhalor: you don't
                    [AGN] Michu: im only "obsessed" with you cuz i want to play with you
                    [AGN] Vhalor: mmhmm
                    [AGN] Michu: u do make a very good gaming partner
                    [AGN] Vhalor: you shouldn't lie so much
                    [AGN] Michu: but i know i mean a lot more to u than just a gaming partner
                    [AGN] Vhalor: o yeah?


                      These are within the first 48 hours we knew each other XD (don't mind the skype shortcuts)

                      Him: *Chuckles* I have a new home for you though! *Opens arms*
                      Me: and where would that be? (chuckle)
                      Him: Right here! *Steps forward and embraces you in a warm hug*
                      Him: Always open, and you're always welcome!
                      Him: Stay as long as you like... or can bear to! (Yes, bear pun)

                      Me: (chuckle) if you think that's a wide variety, you should see my Itunes list
                      Him: Oh I'm the same way with music too. I'll listen to almost anything. But my quirk is that I love music without singing. Not necessarily no vocals, just, no lyrics. I like music that creates an atmosphere instead of focusing your thoughts on something particular (and most singing is always about love, how tedious)
                      Me: Enya by chance? I love soundtracks. I've got Gladiator, LotR, Oblivion (plus extras) a little of Morrowind, and a few others
                      Me: i also have a TON of celtic music
                      Him: !!!!!
                      Him: Marry me!
                      Him: lol!!
                      Me: (rofl)

                      Him: That is, if I might be so bold as to consider you my friend now.
                      Me: of course I did add you to my contacts, didn't I?
                      Him: Well, that was... rather necessary to facilitate any form of communication.
                      Me: and you did ask me to marry you >.> <.< lol
                      Him: Rofl! I most certainly did not! I demanded it! You have no choice in the matter.


                        i wish i would have kept ours(:
                        like from when we first started talking, and met online and stuff,,
                        he was so nice and sweet and polite <3


                          This was earlier this evening, while we were having a bit of face time on cam.

                          Red: I feel like watching Boondock Saints now.
                          Red: You don't like that?!
                          Him: not so much
                          Red: I'm... hurt...
                          Red: This is tragic, indeed...
                          Him: you're free to watch it xD
                          Red: I'll be watching it a lot when you're down.
                          Red: I wouldn't.
                          Red: Buut, it's a fun movie to make into a drinking game. ^^
                          Him: *Epic facepalm*
                          Red: Remember you love me!
                          Him: that explain so much >.<
                          Red: What on earth does it explain!?


                            i have a ton of these XD i almost cried when part of my archive went kabloom
                            this one is fairly recent we were talking about air conditioning

                            love the cold, loooove it
                            [Nat] 10:09pm
                            XD yeeeh bro.
                            Come be cold with me
                            [You] 10:10pm
                            XD wish i could
                            stuck being cold here
                            but ohnoes; its gonna be not freezing soon here D: and then the bugs will come back nuu
                            [Nat] 10:10pm
                            [You] 10:11pm
                            :P they're scary
                            i posted a video on hre the other day of a spider...omg
                            [Nat] 10:11pm
                            So cute.<3
                            [You] 10:12pm
                            XD shhhh
                            its not my fault >//>
                            [Nat] 10:12pm
                            I love you. One day, you'll wake up in my arms.

                            Its taking all my effort right now to not spam this thread with conversations <3 C:


                              Him: you're ALWAYS sexy for me ^^
                              Red: not if you saw me with my eye goop on. xD
                              Him: I've seen you with a giant red ear, and a big eye near to pop out your head..... I know what I mean xD
                              Red: loool
                              Red: you've surely seen me at my worst, not my best - you truly must love me. :P
                              Him: I wanna take you and love you, no matter when, how or where...
                              Him I just need you
                              Red: and I just love you.

                              This just made me smile. It was from a conversation we had tonight that I'll be saving. I had an ear infection when he was down, and also developed an eye ulcer the last two days of his visit. Not the prettiest of pictures, believe me - and he still says that. ^.^

