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Worried Parents abouts traveling abroad alone...

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    Worried Parents abouts traveling abroad alone...

    It seems to be every time I tell my parents about my SO and about our plans for the summer. The main reason why they are worried because the countries which I am planning to are governed by an Islamic Government (no offense). I keep on telling them I will be safe and they don't have to worry but since I will be traveling and that I am an only child -they still. They are worried because that something might happen to me... like getting framed for something I did not do or have or worse... murdered. Really I find that overly worried. Could it also be overly protective?

    I really want to see my SO... just I want to get it across to them that I'll be safe.

    I am able to go regardless what they say... but knowing that they will be worried every day of the trip I'll be away will be hard for me to handle.

    One thing they keep on bringing up is... why doesn't she come fly to Canada? I know that may seem simple... but her currency is a lot lower than mine.

    Please all... I really could use some advice on this!
    Last edited by archangel; February 28, 2010, 09:53 PM.
    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.

    My suggestion is have them talk to her parents, if possible. It's not like it's going to be just you alone. It's going to be you with her and her family, so maybe that would put them at ease. It sounds like they're just being over protective. I mean, you're in college, right? So you're an adult. There's no reason for you not to be able to do that.


      I don't know much about the Middle East (assuming she's there), but I know men are a lot safer. You're not American, so they're not going to exactly be after you. Try to fake a really thick accent (if you don't already have one) just in case so they don't mistake you as American lol. Why do people hate us? They don't want us to assume they're all terrorists, but we're portrayed asl blood hungry ignorant idiots and liberals, isn't that hypocrisy ;_;.

      Ok, enough with personal trauma :'D. I'm not sure if most Islamic nations allow women to travel without a man. If they do, can you pay for her to come to Canada? I know it's not nearly close to the same situation, but I payed so my boyfriend can come to me for the first visit. Best $150 I ever spent in a recession :P. I'm gonna wait for an answer for more suggestions.


        Hey! It's so exciting that you are going to see your SO...don't forget that! BUT, I think a lot of parents worry about their children like it's their job. This is not strange or new. For example I am 27 years old, a college grad, and been a full time worker ever since. I sound like an adult, right? Even with all this in mind my parents still worried about me like crazy when I went to see my SO in November. They cried when I got back! I think the best way to help alleviate some of your parents worries is to educate and inform. This is what I did. Give them all the info you have for the trip. Leave phone numbers, flight numbers, hotel names/numbers etc!!! Tell them what you will be doing and where you are going. It may help a little to have this kind of info. Also, if you can, check in with them through email/phone call if possible while you are away.

        Anyway I hope some of this helps. It helped me
        Enjoy your's gonna be awesome!!!!


          Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post
          I don't know much about the Middle East (assuming she's there)
          Ok, enough with personal trauma :'D. I'm not sure if most Islamic nations allow women to travel without a man. If they do, can you pay for her to come to Canada? I know it's not nearly close to the same situation, but I payed so my boyfriend can come to me for the first visit. Best $150 I ever spent in a recession :P. I'm gonna wait for an answer for more suggestions.
          my SO is from Malaysia to clarify. Also I'M A GUY! eeeeesssh... Megan is my SO. Also my parents are willing to help pay for her to come to Canada.

          Originally posted by Italia10 View Post
          Hey! It's so exciting that you are going to see your SO...don't forget that! BUT, I think a lot of parents worry about their children like it's their job. This is not strange or new. For example I am 27 years old, a college grad, and been a full time worker ever since. I sound like an adult, right? Even with all this in mind my parents still worried about me like crazy when I went to see my SO in November. They cried when I got back! I think the best way to help alleviate some of your parents worries is to educate and inform. This is what I did. Give them all the info you have for the trip. Leave phone numbers, flight numbers, hotel names/numbers etc!!! Tell them what you will be doing and where you are going. It may help a little to have this kind of info. Also, if you can, check in with them through email/phone call if possible while you are away.

          Anyway I hope some of this helps. It helped me
          Enjoy your's gonna be awesome!!!!
          thanks you! I shall remember that!
          Last edited by archangel; February 28, 2010, 08:44 PM.
          "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
          "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
          "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

          Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


            Malaysia...Ok, I got something that might be helpful. If you do travel to her, you'll be at an advantage for having a local at your side. You should actually be safer because of her. Anyway, I'll give you some links. One is a Canadian website with travel tips to Canada. The other is the UK version. I also found the American and Australian versions if they make you curious :P.



              Malaysia should be fine to travel to, it's a popular tourist destination. My family and I have been there on a few holidays when I was a kid and we never had any problems, just make sure you ALWAYS keep an eye on your bag etc because the worst thing that can happen when in southeast asian countries is being caught with drugs... that's a severe prison sentence regardless of whether its yours or if someone slipped something in your bag!


                Like the others said, I think you should gather information about the place. Get all the contacts and give all the info to your parents. I think is natural for them to worry, because it's a totally new country for them. If it's too much, maybe you can get her the ticket as a gift. Hope it works out!


                  I think that it is only natural that your parents are concerned, I'd be more worried if they weren't at least a little worried! :P

                  Like some of the others have said, gather as much information as you can about the country and share this with your parents. Also, like previously said, make sure they know all of the details of your trip; contact details, flight numbers, hotel names, etc. Tell them that you will make regular contact with them during your visit (and make sure you actually do so!) and for them to feel free to contact you as well. Also, if possible, try get your parents and hers to talk to each other, this might help put your parents mind at ease at least a little bit.

                  Good luck with everything!


                    Originally posted by MadMolly View Post
                    Malaysia should be fine to travel to, it's a popular tourist destination. My family and I have been there on a few holidays when I was a kid and we never had any problems, just make sure you ALWAYS keep an eye on your bag etc because the worst thing that can happen when in southeast asian countries is being caught with drugs... that's a severe prison sentence regardless of whether its yours or if someone slipped something in your bag!
                    Yeah I know... my parents keep on telling me that
                    Originally posted by Mio View Post
                    Like the others said, I think you should gather information about the place. Get all the contacts and give all the info to your parents. I think is natural for them to worry, because it's a totally new country for them. If it's too much, maybe you can get her the ticket as a gift. Hope it works out!
                    Thanks Mio!!
                    Originally posted by PurpleDreamer View Post
                    I think that it is only natural that your parents are concerned, I'd be more worried if they weren't at least a little worried! :P

                    Like some of the others have said, gather as much information as you can about the country and share this with your parents. Also, like previously said, make sure they know all of the details of your trip; contact details, flight numbers, hotel names, etc. Tell them that you will make regular contact with them during your visit (and make sure you actually do so!) and for them to feel free to contact you as well. Also, if possible, try get your parents and hers to talk to each other, this might help put your parents mind at ease at least a little bit.

                    Good luck with everything!
                    I wish I could do that... Erin, but I don't know if i will be able to due to time difference.
                    I will definitely bring it up because I know my parents have a good phone provider with good long distance rates
                    "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                    "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                    "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                    Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.



                      *sigh* all the info from these websites are getting me worked up and more worried. I know I shouldn't worry... but still I am.
                      "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                      "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                      "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                      Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                        Sorry. The information made me worry too, but I thought it was necessary. Don't worry, a lot of times these people exaggerate. You're probably safer there than say, Mexico XP. These people mostly target ignorant tourist. With a local (or several with her family), you're less likely to be targeted. Just don't wander around alone, and make sure they're there to pick you up at the airport.


                          Originally posted by Darth_Taco View Post
                          Sorry. The information made me worry too, but I thought it was necessary. Don't worry, a lot of times these people exaggerate. You're probably safer there than say, Mexico XP. These people mostly target ignorant tourist. With a local (or several with her family), you're less likely to be targeted. Just don't wander around alone, and make sure they're there to pick you up at the airport.
                          They plan to pick me up at the airport... and I plan on being with Megan everyday. So i'll be with them also everyday.

                          *sigh* ...*takes a deep breathe*
                          "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                          "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                          "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                          Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                            Listen, Malaysia is awesome. I've been 7 or 8 times, mostly to Kuala Lumpur and Penang, and everyone is always friendly, speaks English and there's thousands of tourists so it's not like you're going to stand out. You will be fine!


                              I'm actually wanting to go to Bali, Indonesia in the Summer. Then Malaysia later on the year... to celebrate Christmas with my SO. guess I should have said that earlier...
                              Last edited by archangel; March 1, 2010, 01:33 AM.
                              "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                              "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                              "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                              Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.

