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    1. Do you think communication is an important thing to your relationship? Why?
    Yes because if you don't communicate you don't get to know the person, and you grow farther and farther apart.
    2. How often do you use internet to communicate with your partner?
    Every day that i can.
    3. What kinds of positive impacts does Internet give to your relationship?
    Getting to know their personality better.
    4. What kinds of negative impacts does internet give to your relationship?
    No physical contact. No kissing, hugging, holding, etc. It's hard to go through but you know it will be worth it in the end.


      1. Do you think communication is an important thing to your relationship? Why?
      I think communication is essential in any relationship, but particularily in a long distance one. Without communication, our relationship would have nothing but the occasional visit. It's what keeps us going and allows us to grow closer despite the distance.

      2. How often do you use internet to communicate with your partner?
      At the moment, rarely. We used to skype once a week, but computer problems have more or less put an end to that. Outside of skype, I'll email him something maybe twice a month.

      3. What kinds of positive impacts does Internet give to your relationship?
      It allows for longer, more in-depth discussions than texting does when a phone call is not an option. Also, it lets me send him photos and stuff like that and share a piece of my life. Plus skype lets me see his face when otherwise I wouldn't be able to.

      4. What kinds of negative impacts does internet give to your relationship?
      Facebook is a horrible thing for people in LDRs. People can post things that can be taken the wrong way long before your SO gets a chance to let you know what's going on. Also, I had a girl that he turned down find me on facebook and send me a very explicit, hurtful message to try and break us up. Things like that can be hard on a relationship.

      "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
      -- Anonymous


        1. Do you think communication is an important thing to your relationship? Why?

        Yes! Very very important. Me boyfriend and i text eachother all the time. We say goodmorning,goodnight,and talk a lot in between our days. It's important because you can talk to them about their day and get a chance to know them more and more each day!

        2. How often do you use internet to communicate with your partner?
        We used to be on the internet a lot,now its easier to just use our phones.

        3. What kinds of positive impacts does Internet give to your relationship?
        Well if you have Skype or Oovoo or something across those lines,you can video chat with your partner and actually SEE them face to face during the times you cant be together.

        4. What kinds of negative impacts does internet give to your relationship?
        Well IMO, if your partner is the cheating kind, the internet makes it a lot easier to talk to other girls without you knowing about it!


          1. Do you think communication is an important thing to your relationship? Why?
          Communication is very important, as it is the only way to stay in tune with each other.

          2. How often do you use internet to communicate with your partner?
          4% of our communication is via internet, mainly through emails. 95% via text. 1% via phone conversation.

          3. What kinds of positive impacts does Internet give to your relationship?
          We are able to share interests via more easily via Internet

          4. What kinds of negative impacts does internet give to your relationship?
          We both admit to "stalking" each other online.

          When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

          True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

          When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

          1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.

