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Completely numb...

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    Completely numb...

    I spent 3 wonderful weeks with Ryan over the holidays. I was so happy and everything was just perfect in my eyes. I felt at home with him. I didn't want to leave. We had our conversations and moments and each one was special and each time I felt closer to him...then I returned and he ended it the next day.

    I am still in a disbelief and it takes all I have to even type this. For the first time in my life I let my guard down and this is what happens. I had so many walls up but Ryan made me see and feel that I didn't need them. I felt secure and safe with him. I also knew he had his own issues with relationships and I knew his fears and accepted them. He has been burned so bad previously and from what he sees his coworkers go through he is so worried I will resent him later on and leave. He is in the military and I have told him many times I will go wherever he wants me to. I support him 100% and I am very proud of him and it breaks my heart even more that I know he doesn't really want this. He is running from his feelings, fears and issues he knows he has and he knows I see it and still want him. I want him to know I am here for him and he has nothing to worry about...In a sense I know he knows that and that is what scares him. I asked him if he was happy and his response was "do you think I want to do this? Do you think I like doing this," and my reply was "Then why." He said nothing but that is was for the best because it would only just happen years down the road and I would resent him and that he sees this happen all the time. I know dating someone in the military isn't easy and I know that both get bad raps for cheating. He sees this a lot apparently with the men he works with. Even while I was there they always talked about someone new whose wife or gf was leaving and or cheating or unhappy there. I could tell at certain times he pushed away and then almost immediately came back. It's hard to explain but it was like his feelings for me were scaring him and he was getting use to me being there. It was so many things coupled with what he said while I was there and before..none of what happened after I returned makes sense. I don't even make sense. We were planning my next visit in the car on the way to the airport and he decides in a day he can't do this because he will only hurt me later on and I will resent him. He is talking crazy talk. I spoke to his family and his parents validated all the feelings and thoughts I had, he is running. He has also cut me off. I spoke to him the two days after and then I havent heard from him, its been two weeks. His parents told me that this is what he will do, run from his feelings for me so he doesn't get hurt. I thought I was going nuts with those thoughts til I spoke to his parents about it. I felt bad going to them but they were always very nice to me and made me feel comfortable and welcome. His mother said to let him have his cold feet and then contact him. I am going back at the end of the month (Feb) for a few days to talk to him. He is not going to do this without a face to face answer. I told his parents I wanted to go right away and they suggested to wait and let him think. His mother told me to message him every now and then to say hi or something, just to let him know I am still there..which I have. I am in no way mad or angry at him. I can't be angry at him, I know he really does love me and the fact that his feelings for me scare him says something so I can't be mad at him. I have been there, had those thoughts with him, but I didn't run. I stayed and I want to show him he has nothing to fear and I feel like me going there shows him I am serious. I know how he thinks and me going there will show him what he needs to see. I told him I would be coming and he said nothing. He didn't say not to or anything. He couldn't answer questions he knew I was right about, he was just quiet but I could tell the sadness in his voice. I wish I was able to be there right now...

    This has been really hard on me. I can't sleep or really do anything. I sit in my room and hide out from people. All anyone does is ask about my trip when I see them and it's too uspetting to talk about because I either end up lying and sayig it was great or I tell what happened and Im crying.

    I have never loved or trusted anyone this much in my life. I just feel like an idiot for believing him but then I feel bad for thinking like that because I know he meant what he said. I think that is why I am more upset with him. I know he doesn't mean it and that hurts. We talked about so much for the future and he always reassured me I was his and wasn't going anywhere. I mean he said things and this just contradicts everything he has ever said.

    I just don't know what to do. I will be there in a month and I feel that it is the right thing to do either way. If I dont go I will regret and always think "what if." I have to try, he is everything I have ever looked for and as he tells me I am everything he has ever wanted so I am not letting him get away that easily. Sometimes I think you have to fight for the one you love even when it's a horrible time and they are the cause of your pain. I don't expect people to understand me going back over to Europe but I have to do it. Most tell me it's a bad idea but if he were here I would do the same thing, he just happens to be in Europe right now so that is where I shall go.....

    *big hugs* I'm sorry you're going through this. I know you were looking forward to visiting him and hoping you'd get to go to Paris. What he did is shocking and sad, and I hope you're able to bring some sense to him, because it sounds to me like he needs it.

    Please, just take care of yourself. It sounds to me and you're being smart about this, realizing it's not your fault or anything crazy like that.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Originally posted by Silviar View Post
      *big hugs* I'm sorry you're going through this. I know you were looking forward to visiting him and hoping you'd get to go to Paris. What he did is shocking and sad, and I hope you're able to bring some sense to him, because it sounds to me like he needs it.
      We had a great time and he did plan on taking me both to France and Rome but due to work he had to cancel. He seemed a littl bothered by it, thinking that I would be upset he had to cancel. I wasn't and even told him that. The fact he even planned those trips means alot but I know he has to work. I told him I went there to see him and anything else was a bonus. When I told my friends here they thought I was joking esp the ones that knew him and had seen us around each other. I even spoke to his friend's wife I met while there and even she didn't know until after I left, so it seems like it was a sudden irrational thought. I know he worries about me in a way I don't know how to explain and it's really sweet but he needs to not worry like that. I am just fine and will be. GOing there will give us a chance to talk things out or at least give me a form of closure. I really do feel it will be good to go there. If it felt wrong I wouldn't and esp if his family said not to I wouldn't but they seem to be on my side.

      Please, just take care of yourself. It sounds to me and you're being smart about this, realizing it's not your fault or anything crazy like that.

      This is what bothers my friends, I am not reacting in the way they thought or think I should. I am not mad at him. I know how he feels and I can't get mad at him for his feelings. I'm not perfect and I have my own insecurities but I can admit them and not run from them and he helped me realize that. I just need to get him to realize the same. Funny thing is he knows I am right and has said it a few times before all this happened.

      He is a wonderful guy and an amazing bf to have. I was proud and I am still am. He was very good to me and treated me very well with love and respect...which is why this makes no sense. I just hope he and I can come to some agreement or understanding that helps us both. I knew from the moment we met he was the one, strange as it sounds and I knew that it wouldn't be easy but it just feels right. He has ran away once before and it took him a while to come back around more and more. This time it will take me going there since he can't come here. So we shall see. I am hopeful and have faith in him and us.


        you are taking a really good stance on this, good for you for not giving up on him He seems like a great guy, and what he is doing is out of his love for you, I think he just might be a bit overwhelmed at the moment. In time, he will think on this I am sure. It must be hard when he can see other people's relationships breaking down, but hopefully he will realise, just because other people's have ended, it doesn't mean your relationship will end that way too.

        *hugs* for now, and I hope things will work out for you in the future.

        <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
        <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
        The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
        <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
        <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
        Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
        Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


          No doubt, if we based relationships on failures, the human race would die out...

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            That is really terrible...My SO did something similar we had been talking for 5 months and he was supposed to come and visit...he told me the Mon of the week he was supposed to be here that he hadn't bought a plane ticket and now they were too expensive...I was heartbroken and pissed! I kinda pulled away because I was disappointed; but I told him everything about how i was feeling...and his response to me was that he couldn't do this...that the distance was too much and he was sorry that he had hurt me...I spent days crying and told him we couldn't be friends..but knew it was too late because I'd already fallen for him and I didn't wanna lose him...but I said a lot of things to him because I was upset and he basically stopped talking to me...I apologized and told him I wanted to be friends..and he didn't talk to I decided to move on the day another guy asked me out on a date he text me saying he didn't hate me...he missed me...he felt guilty etc etc. We talked for a bit and realized we still cared about each other...and I decided that labor day weekend I was going to see him. For him that was what he needed to know I was sure about him...I went not expecting anything but when I got there he told me how sure he was about me and convinced me he would never do that again...I say all that to say that sometimes they need to be reassured in the relationship...that they aren't the only one fighting, that you are willing to go the extra mile when they can't...I think going out there may be a good idea but not if he isn't speaking to you...Offer him friendship tell him he is one of your best friends that you love him and you don't want to lose that. But make it clear that isn't what you want with him but you would rather be there in that capacity than not at all...Build his trust through a friendship idk how long you have known each other but that's just my suggestion.


              My heart goes out to you, I am so sorry you are going through this....
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                I'm sorry you are going through this. I've gone through similar things before. I know it's impossible to compare, but it hurt so terribly when I knew and truly believed the person loved me but wouldn't be with me anyway. Sometimes I wished I could convince myself they didn't love me because it would be easier (not that it is, but I think you can understand what I'm saying). I know it hurts. Just do your best to take care of yourself.


                  Wow, your SO sounds like me, and you sound like my SO(ex-SO? we're complicated right now...), give or take a few differences.... .______.
                  I'm having insecurities about the depth of my feelings, especially since this is the first EVERYTHING, and also that we have only known each other so long. I just didn't trust that being this young and inexperienced, and having these feelings start out as an innocent crush, that this could mean what it means, already. I'm doing the same kind of running, the same "I'm going to hurt you down the line, I really can't stand the thought, thus I might as well let you go now, even if I'd rather have you."

                  I'm glad you're taking the stance you're taking-and I hope it'll work out well.


                    We were together a little over a year.

                    It's funny because I'm not really upset but more or less Im annoyed with him that he is being this way but I get it and I guess that is why it annoys me. He knows I am here for him. I have told him this many times, he knows it. Him not talking to me is his way of not dealing with it and hoping I will just go away...and well he knows I am not like that lol. He said he fell in love with my persistence when it came to him. I told him he was worth it and he is. He knows I won't just get mad and forget him. He knows I will come there.


                      Originally posted by nicole View Post
                      you are taking a really good stance on this, good for you for not giving up on him He seems like a great guy, and what he is doing is out of his love for you, I think he just might be a bit overwhelmed at the moment. In time, he will think on this I am sure. It must be hard when he can see other people's relationships breaking down, but hopefully he will realise, just because other people's have ended, it doesn't mean your relationship will end that way too.

                      *hugs* for now, and I hope things will work out for you in the future.
                      Thank you, he is a great guy. He is the guy I always wanted but could never seem to find so he is worth it. I have told him it's not fair to punish me for what others have done to him or what others he sees do to others. He said I was right so he knows. He is so worried that something will happen later on and I will hate him or resent him. It is not possible. I would go anywhere he wanted as long as Im with him I can adapt to anything. I can only go there and hope for the best. I can't force him to do anything. I just want to get him to see what I see in him and why I love him so much. I think he has a fear of being loved too out fear of getting hurt. He is perfect in my eyes, flaws and all...shows he is human and has a heart.


                        How are your plans for going to see him coming along?

                        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                          Originally posted by FadedSunrise View Post
                          Wow, your SO sounds like me, and you sound like my SO(ex-SO? we're complicated right now...), give or take a few differences.... .______.
                          I'm having insecurities about the depth of my feelings, especially since this is the first EVERYTHING, and also that we have only known each other so long. I just didn't trust that being this young and inexperienced, and having these feelings start out as an innocent crush, that this could mean what it means, already. I'm doing the same kind of running, the same "I'm going to hurt you down the line, I really can't stand the thought, thus I might as well let you go now, even if I'd rather have you."

                          I'm glad you're taking the stance you're taking-and I hope it'll work out well.
                          Well yea sounds about right. He said that in not so many words lol which is why I know he is full of it and as much as it hurts, I am letting him have his freak out and I am letting him think about this. I have messaged him a few times about a couple things but mostly I just let him know I am there if he needs me and how I still love and care for him. He did this once before but it wasn't as bad because we were still kind of new and this time it's harder because he is so far away. I don't know what will happen when I go there but again I hope for the best. I could tell in his voice he didn't want to do it which is why he couldn't talk to me. He feels it will be easier now rather than later on me, which is insane lol. So me going there shows him that even after all this I still love him. I love him even more in a sense because of this. It could make things stronger between us or it could do nothing. I won't know til I get there and I have to try other wise I would regret it for the rest of my life..Either way I want him to see how wonderful he really is and that he isn't the kind of guy he thinks he is and that someone can love him and not hurt him. I could spend my life with him and he knows it...

                          Thank you and it does seem like you are in the same situation. If you really love this person and they really are someone you love and want to be with and you know they feel the same you should at least try. I don't like regret personally because you never know what could happen. Things can change in a split second and it could be that one decision that changes your life. I know that sounds crazy but I have always felt this way. If you want something or someone go for it and don't fear the what if's


                            Originally posted by Silviar View Post
                            How are your plans for going to see him coming along?
                            I will be booking my ticket Monday. Funny thing is it is the same flight I took before. It's a regular flight for British Airways and for 400 bucks I can't complain. I just might become a regular on that flight we shall see. When I flew in December and then in Jan, at busy traveling times I was amazed at how empty the plane was going from Orlando to London. Yeah it's a long layover and the time isn't great but it's so cheap! I had the entire row to myself, it was nice.

                            I am also booking a hotel incase. If things dont work out I will come back immediately but I am hoping we can work things out or at least talk and discuss this in an adult manner instead of the way he did it. I deserve that much from him at least.


                              Originally posted by Paris View Post
                              I will be booking my ticket Monday. Funny thing is it is the same flight I took before. It's a regular flight for British Airways and for 400 bucks I can't complain. I just might become a regular on that flight we shall see. When I flew in December and then in Jan, at busy traveling times I was amazed at how empty the plane was going from Orlando to London. Yeah it's a long layover and the time isn't great but it's so cheap! I had the entire row to myself, it was nice.

                              I am also booking a hotel incase. If things dont work out I will come back immediately but I am hoping we can work things out or at least talk and discuss this in an adult manner instead of the way he did it. I deserve that much from him at least.
                              Absolutely. I wish you the very best of luck, and I hope he sees from your actions and your words how much you're willing to make things work.

                              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

