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    Hi, Everyone! I've been a fan of this site, probably close to 2 years now. I've just browsed through and constantly checked to see if anything was new. Then, I joined but just never posted anything. Now, I'd like to introduce myself to you all.

    My name is Gina Marie. I'm 22 years old. I've been in a long distance relationship for over 3 years with my boyfriend Bernie. We met on a social networking site in 2007. We've had our ups and downs. Bernie is a lot older than me, so my family didn't really like that at first. They were saying things like, "how can you be in love when you've never been face to face?" or, "you should be with someone your own age". And things like that! After a while, they stopped because they finally realized how much I love him. And nothing was going to pull me away from him.

    After 3 years of being together, we're going to meet in person finally!! I'm soooo excited but also sooo nervous. It's our first time meeting face to face and it's a little nerve wrecking. March 2nd, 2011 is the date we've set. Neither one of us have a job, or a car, so it was really hard for us to get to this point. But, i've been working hard to make this trip happen! I've been working for family to make money, looking up stuff online, like how much hotels cost in Massachusetts, and how much the bus will be. I just want and need everything to work out! Wish us luck!

    Hi! I'm Sami nice too meet you! it's awesome to hear you two will finally meet! Hope all works out and you have a safe and fun trip!


      Thank you, Sami. It is awesome! (:


        Hi Gina! Glad you made it through..and you gonna meet him in person soon..that will be awesome!! Wish you all the best and happiness!<3


          Glad to see you've finally become active, welcome.

          Planning for a trip is hard under those circumstances, but I'm glad you've been so determined and I know it'll pay off in the end. Like SamiWami said, I'm glad you two are going to finally be able to meet, you both deserve that happiness. I can't imagine going three years before seeing my guy, I've barely lasted this one year without feeling like I'm going crazy.


            Thanks bluepotato1236 and LadyMarchHare! I'm not going to lie & say these 3 years haven't been hard. Because they certainly have been. There were nights that I would cry after our last conversation of the day, wondering if we'd ever meet. There were a few times when I just felt like giving up. But then I thought, I love him. And I can't imagine my life without him now that I've got him. I couldn't give up, even if I wanted to, anyway. I know that since we've waited so long to meet, it's going to be the coolest, most wonderful time with him. We can do the things we've talked so much about doing.

            34 days left til I come face-to-face with the man i've been in love with for 3 years!!! (:


              Welcome to the forums, Gina. Glad you decided to stop lurking.

              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                Welcome to the forums. I'm 16 and i've been in a LDR for almost 7 months. My friends thinks it's ridiculous, but they just don't understand! ♥


                  Welcome to the forums!!! And good luck on your first meeting!


                    Well I am only 16 too and I have loved my so for almost 2 years now(there was a break at one stage but we promised to get together on he finished his HSC, so all is great now)! Some people just don't understand! <3
                    First visit? Soooo exciting for you!!!
                    I bet you can't wait! 3 years is very impressive!


                      Thank you, Silviar, Hannahbaby16, Paulawriteslove & murphfan51! Yeah, people that have never been in love with someone from another state NEVER understands! They just don't realize love doesn't care about distance or age or anything. Love just happens!


                        Originally posted by BernzLaDy4Life View Post
                        Yeah, people that have never been in love with someone from another state NEVER understands! They just don't realize love doesn't care about distance or age or anything. Love just happens!
                        This is very true! Unless people experience an LDR themselves, they can't understand what it's like.

                        Welcome to the site! We're glad you've become active. Wishing you a safe and happy first visit!
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          Thanks Trethsparr! I know I'm going to have a really fun visit!

