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How do I show her how much I love her?

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    How do I show her how much I love her?

    Hello LDR forums! I have come to ask for a bit of advice.

    Edit: this post was way longer than I meant, sorry! it's just background. my question is on the last line.

    Our background: I have been a couple with my SO for 1 year, 2 months, 17 days, and in long distance for 2 months less. We met studying abroad, and hope to move in together by the start of next year. I work in Canada, she attends school in Spain, so I visit her once each semester, and once when she returns home (to MA) between each. Every semester apart has gotten harder, and not just a little. We love each other tons, no trust issues or anything wrong at all, it's just painful being apart and we miss each other. Simple as that.

    My situation: I work full time, and I'm building a portfolio for when I graduate (my work is co-op; I have a year of school left starting in Fall). Portfolio focus is on the completion of a computer/xbox game, and I'm using an upcoming contest (Microsoft Dream Build Play) as motivation to get it done sooner than later. It's a lot of work, and needs a lot of commitment to get it done on time. I also curl 2 nights a week. This just to say that I wish days were twice as long.

    My plea: I love my SO more than anything. I love her to death. She's everything I want. I love talking about our future family and all the little quirky things we plan for it, and I love knowing and having the feeling that nobody else in the world can even compare to her. I love seeing her goofy and hilarious self, I love hearing her talk about things in her life, and I love that we can share anything. I love her so immeasurably much, but I don't feel like I've been able to show her lately. I want her to know for 100% certain, but I can't skype for more than 2 or 3 hours a day because of these other commitments/responsibilities, and I feel like she feels I'm neglecting her for them (she hasn't accused me, though it seems to make her sad).

    Some nights I play this silly game called League of Legends with my roommates (also my best friends), one game taking 30-50 minutes. I've more or less put this game aside, but telling her I did was a huge mistake. Made her feel guilty. She thought I was putting this game before her, and the thought of that broke my heart, and I just wanted her to know that she comes way, WAY before any game, ever. Not to mention that she comes way before my portfolio too, but I don't feel like I'm at a point where I have to drop it. But don't get me wrong, she hasn't even hinted at wanting me to do that.

    All this longwinded background to ask, how can I show her how much I love her, given my schedule? I do make letters and things, just not as much as I'd like, because time spent making them can be spent on skype with her. Sidenote, I have a FANTASTIC valentine's day present, if I do say so myself: turning a white bra into a pokeball bra using fabric markers. hehehe ummm, and a handful of candies and chocolates too, of course. I wish I could do things like this every day. I recently started making a silly video before bed every night so she can wake up to it (which she has been doing for me for months; she's fantastic). Maybe I can do something similar with a letter? I could write one during lunch break every day and send it. I work right near a post office.

    Ha, I think I just answered my own question. >.< But, I would still love to do more, and to hear any words of advice anyone might have.

    How do I show her how incredibly much she means to me, in spite of having to cut our daily skype dates short?

    Thanks so much for reading!


    You're on the right track with sending her stuff while you can. I'm sorry that your schedule is so restricting.
    An idea that I instantly thought of, but I'm not quite sure how you'd do it (you may have to do a bit of research) but would it be possible for you to send her flowers? Not necessarily for Valentine's Day, but just out of the blue. And I recommend if you really want to show her how much you love her, surprise her with it.
    My SO and I exchange handmade letters, where we write and include extra things (like drawings, pictures, little things that'll fit in to the envelope.) This one time, my SO gave me one of his necklaces...maybe there is something like that you wouldn't mind giving her? I know when I got the necklace, I felt so entirely closer to him, and it made me feel special.

    Those are just a couple things I can think of...

    You can also find something electronic to send her, besides the videos. I sometimes do recordings of my voice, and then I send them to my SO and he converts it into his iTunes so it can go on his iPod. Take pictures. There's nothing a girl loves more than seeing her man's smile

    Just a side note with your game that you're making...maybe you could include a character like her, if it's possible? And if she saw that...the results would be stunning. Something to think about.

    I'd also recommend part of the website on here..

    There's stuff to do together on line, stuff not.
    For example, I sometimes include a picture of our 'baby' as one of the ideas on there is MorphThing and you take a picture of you and yourself, and they mesh it together and see what your kid would look like. It's a fun thing to do some of the time and it's pretty accurate.

    The LFAD website has a bunch of other stuff on there as well...I'd recommend checking it out if you haven't already. You may just find what you're looking for.

    Sorry this is so long, but I hope I helped a bit.
    And Welcome to LFAD!


      Usually people show you that they love you in the way that they want to receive think about the ways that she expresses love to you and then do the same thing to her. My SO sent me some links to youtube songs with little notes like every word is true etc. It saves the time of writing a letter or expressing it yourself but still shows how you feel. Maybe send her a love letter with your valentine's day gift or a really nice card... I think its the personal touch that's missing maybe go on Photobucket or somewhere and edit a picture of you and right I miss you or I love you or put cute thought bubbles. Even though you don't have a lot of time there are little things that you could do. Even ordering flowers from a florist near her might be nice...hope this helps.


        I like it when my boyfriend makes time for me and has fun things planned for us to do together. It makes me feel important. . . It sounds like you're doing quite a bit. I don't think you have too much to worry about.


          Mia is on fire - that was everything I was going to recommend.

          I recommend re-reading her post. Welcome to LFAD. ^^ My SO and I have completely opposite schedules thanks to work, so I feel you on the crunched time. Just remember that quality is more important than quantity. You can give her some really quality things, like flowers, or postcards, or random blog posts, and that'll keep her love tank full.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            Since you're into video game design maybe you could make her a cute little game with quests showing her how much you love her (by putting little things you've done together in the game as the quests). this idea could also work as a proposal as well (random thought)

            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


              Originally posted by princessmia
              No need to apologize for the length. What you said was more helpful than anything I hoped for. Those are great ideas! I don't know any Spanish, so flowers would be difficult for me to do, but I am able to contact one of her friends who I'm sure would be happy to help! All of the rest of your ideas are fantastic, too. Including a character that is blantantly based off her is actually a great possibility.

              Originally posted by TknandLvnIt
              Funny you should mention that actually; those are exactly the kinds of things she does for me. I'll keep an ear out for any lyrics in the songs I listen to that make me think of her.

              Originally posted by Kiyenna
              Thanks for the encouraging words! She definitely appreciates that I take the time to fly out and see her. I just want to do a better job between those times.

              Originally posted by Silviar
              We actually used to maintain a blog together. We both kinda stopped updating it and it kept slipping my mind. You totally reminded me of it, I'll definitely go make a couple posts!


                Originally posted by Riyko
                Aha, that's a great idea for a proposal. The only problem right now is that it would be a ton of work to put together a game for us. Definitely something I'll consider doing sometime down the line, though.


                  Originally posted by Silviar View Post
                  Mia is on fire
                  Thank youu!

                  Originally posted by neowneow View Post
                  No need to apologize for the length. What you said was more helpful than anything I hoped for. Those are great ideas! I don't know any Spanish, so flowers would be difficult for me to do, but I am able to contact one of her friends who I'm sure would be happy to help! All of the rest of your ideas are fantastic, too. Including a character that is blantantly based off her is actually a great possibility.
                  I'm so glad I helped! That's wonderful

