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what would you do if something happened to your SO?

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    what would you do if something happened to your SO?

    This was inspired by seeing American Idol last night (Some of you might have seen it, if not, ill give a brief summary)

    Basically this man came on and he talked about his girlfriend he's been with for 8 years, and engaged for 2, almost 3. Two months before they were going to exchange vows, she got into a horrible accident that left her severely brain damaged, and the doctors didn't think she would pull through, but she did. He talked about how he and her mother are her main caretakers, and he said, "What kind of man would I be if I left her when she needed me the most?"

    It was just extremely touching and it made me wonder, what would happen if something horrible like this happened to your SO? What would you do if they survived a horrible accident like this and suffered consequences like brain damage? Would you stick around with them through thick and thin even though things would be drastically different? I'm really curious to hear everyone's thoughts...

    If that was to happen to him at this point in our relationship, I would try to be there as much as possible, but I also know his family would step in. But if we had been dating for 8 years, engaged for almost 3 and 2 months from being married, then yes, I would stay and care for him.

    When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

    When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

    1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


      awww thats an amazing story, and thats true love right there! what would i do? Jesus i dont even wanna think about it :/ but i would do the same as he did, just because that happens doesnt mean im not gonna take care of her like i have vowed to do since the beginning. I would get my butt on the next available plane and go to her!!


        Honestly, if you love someone truly and completely, nothing could separate you. If my boyfriend were in an accident like that young lady on AI last night was in, I'd pack up my belongings and be by my SO's side through it all. Nothing and nobody has ever been able to pry themselves between he and I, and nothing and nobody ever will. He stuck by me and saved me from committing suicide twice before we were real friends (just mere acquaintances), and I fully believe if anything happened to him, I'd be there for him like he was for me when I needed it most. What kind of person would I be if I didnt?


          Unfortunately for me, if at this very point that were to happen, I wouldn't be able to take care of him due to visa logistics.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            right now, I wouldn't be able to take care of him. Without a place of my own, two kids (one who is autistic) and the distance between us... It would be pretty well impossible at this point. But i would work hard to get to the point i could go and be with him.
            If nothing ever changed, There would be no butterflys <3



              There's the story if you want to watch it. It's really touching and I definitely cried a bit.

              If something like this happened to my SO (God-willing it won't), I would drop everything and fly down to be with him. And then I'd stick with him through it all. He's my partner and I couldn't let him go.


                I would hop on the next Greyhound and get my butt back up to Yellowknife, and take online classes if I needed to. At that point noone and nothing could stop me from being there for him.


                  Wow. I didn't watch it last night..but I sit here bawling now.

                  There is NO doubt I would be by his side. For better or worse.
                  NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                    I'm not sure what I would have done before we closed the distance, but it's likely his family would have cared for him... I'm not sure how I would have gotten into the country to stay.
                    Now, of course I would do everything I could to take care of him. We vowed in sickness and in health, and the words were not taken lightly.


                      Wow...that was so touching, gave me the chills up and down my spine.. such an amazing story. Being together THAT long, how could you leave someone after something like that? It would only kill them in a matter of time knowing that the one person they needed and wanted the most left them at such a crucial time in their life.


                        Sadly, at this point in our relationship(we've only known each other quite a short time) I wouldn't be able to do a thing but die of worry and stress from the other side of the Pacific, and bother any other connections I have over there to do the checkup work for me. Then bother them some more. Then basically hound them all to death. We may not be together anymore, we may never get together anymore, but nobody said I was taking my love back. What's given to him is now his forever.

                        Of course, if I was in the same situation as the original, I would drop my life to go help in a heartbeat.


                          I don't watch "Idol", but my brother had it on last night, so I saw that story. So touching. If this ever, God forbid, happened to us, I'd definitely stay with him and be there for him.

                          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                            Our relationship is so new, I haven't received my passport yet (applied at the end of December, so it should be here soon); I also can't afford another plane ticket right now. I'd probably be lighting up my best friend's phone, though, since she lives on his side of the border. I would get there as soon as I could. If it happened after we'd been dating a while and I had my passport, I'd be there within a matter of days even if it meant selling a bunch of my stuff for the money to buy a ticket.


                              That's a tricky one. If it were a situation where I was needed for a set period, like a couple of months, yes, no doubt! I'd be on the next flight out. If it were indefinite or long term, I couldn't do it. I've got responsibilities here and bills that need to get paid, I wouldn't be able to just quit my job and go. Also, I've got an older dog that my daughter could care for in the short term, but not for good. I would do everything I could, but I have a couple of years before I could go permanently.
                              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

