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Couldn't Sleep...For Good Reasons!

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    Couldn't Sleep...For Good Reasons!

    Ok so I've been up since about 2am (EST) and all for good reasons! Everything is happening a lot sooner than I thought could be pulled off...I think I've mentioned it before but for those of you who don't mother is always worrying about me (I'm the baby of the family and I don't think Mom will ever NOT worry about me or the rest of her kids) and especially about me going to Pennsylvania to meet Brandon (she'd prefer that either A, I was a boy[of course then I wouldn't be with Brandon] or B, that he came here first as old-fashioned as that may sound I get it ). Well my cousin thought of a lovely compromise that I wouldn't have really considered (for various reasons) had she not brought it up. And it is....

    Take my sister on a road trip! ...Ok so technically she would be taking me since I don't have my license yet (nearly running over a stop sign convinced me I needed a lot more practice at relaxing while I am driving...of course my sister-in-law was talking to me at the same time so I was trying to pay attention to her and not miss the road I needed at the same time, very distracting). And guess what? I never thought it would happen but my sister agreed! She, like Mom, would rather I go with someone then go by myself on a bus. The great thing about it is that I know my sister won't let me get into any she wouldn't let anything happen to me. I know I complain about my brothers and sisters being a pain sometimes but I really do love my family and know that in the end they are there for me no matter what! ...Even if they don't approve.

    So...I should be on my way to Pennsylvania near the end of the month! It is actually the perfect time to ask for it since my birthday is this month. AND driving there is only like $38-$40 more than a bus ticket and a heck of a lot faster! The bus ride has like 4 or 5 transfers along the way and won't even go all the way to his town and takes approximately 23 hours and it would only be me...driving we don't have to go to Chicago (in the opposite direction) first and then through Ohio, we can drive right on through and I get to take along a familiar person.

    I am soo excited! Freakin nervous too but mostly excited and really happy! My mom and the rest of the family get to worry about me less and I get to go out of state and see Brandon...what could be a better compromise?? Ahh! I'm gonna be so stinking bouncy and smiley today! 10 more days until I can hear his voice again and roughly 25 (give or take a few days) until we're face to know that is a good song too! Gaah! I'm so happy! Cross your fingers, y'all, that everything goes according to plan. I will be really bummed out if we can't pull this off. Happy, happy, happy...I feel like the energizer bunny! LOL

    Yay!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!


      Thanks. :>


        Congrats! ^^ That's so exciting! And, frankly, I don't blame your mom for being worried. 4-5 transfers is a lot! D: And, I'm 17 WITH my license and my mother still won't let me take the bus to go see my boyfriend who is much closer and nearly has a heart attack when I have to fly alone to go and see my dad. ;3 So, good luck with your parents and have TONS OF FUN with Brandon! =D


          It is actually just my mom now, my dad passed away in 2008.
          I don't blame her either. I just wish she didn't worry as much.
          I'm sure we'll have a great time.


            Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. D: The same thing happened to one of my friends and it's been really tough on her. -hugs-

            But you've got an exciting trip to look forward to! ^^ Again, good luck and I hope you all have fun! =D


              *hugs* Yes I do indeed! Thank you


                Congratulations! That sounds so exciting! It is always exciting when things fall into place so perfectly XD!

