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Why is everyone breaking up?

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    Why is everyone breaking up all around the same time?
    If you and your SO did break up for what reason(s)?
    Do you regret it?

    My SO and I knew another couple that were LD for a long while before closing the distance. We looked up to them when we were younger in our relationship and wanted to be similar to them one day. However, everything turned sour at the end of 2010 and they broke it off at the very beginning of January 2011.

    My friend is allowing me to post her story on here. These two were inspirational with their love but when they turned 18, she packed up her things and darted down to North Carolina (from Michigan) to be with him. Things were fine at first but as a year went by, they were both working and in school with little time for each other. He started turning to alcohol and drugs :\

    She wanted to stay with him but she said he was starting to change a lot. She wasn't in love with this "new" guy. Finally, it was their 10 YEAR anniversary and she was hoping to spend a wonderful night together but when she got off work...he wasn't home. He was out with his friends, drinking for the New Year. She called him a few times and he never picked up. She never heard from him and he never came home.

    8 AM, he rolls into the house after partying all night with his guys and completely didn't care for their anniversary or the fact that he missed it. They argued for days and finally, she packed up her things, broke it off, and went back to Michigan.

    My SO and I were in complete shock when we heard about this, but we support her doing this for herself and not staying in a broken relationship, hoping she could change him. It has been about a month and she is starting to find her feet again. She'll get there. Yes, there have been a lot of break-ups recently and it saddens me

    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


      Not too sure, maybe because Valentines Day is coming up? Sounds ridiculous but it's true, last Valentines Day, my friend dumped his GF on Valentines Day because he wanted to be with someone else. He stood her up ON VALENTINES DAY!

      It's pretty sad though seeing all these different threads about breaking up with your SO. ):


        Well, my boyfriend and I have nearly broken up the past three days. We've been on the rocks. So interesting that it's a few others, also.
        I'm sure we'll pull through and I'm sure everyone else will! Just have to keep positive, and hang on tight.


          ....its beginning to freak me out a bit...I'm secure in my relationship but I wonder what's making everyone's problems appear all at one time. Sigh its quite frightful


            Looks like January is cursed or something. It's been a bad month for me and I can't wait for it to be over.

