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feeling really lonely tonight..

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    feeling really lonely tonight..

    so tonight eric is hanging out with some friends playing video games.. totally not a problem, i love that he's hanging out with them, but heres the thing.. he's also sleeping over. we always sleep on skype together and i'm really sad i won't see him tonight on skype

    i knew he was going to hang out with his friends, but he just told me a few hours ago at work that he's sleeping over.. because he had just found out himself

    anyways, i know i'm being super selfish, but i see him in 2 weeks and i guess i just feel so lonely right now because it's so close to seeing him that i just want it to be now, so it's making me feel extra down and lonely.. blaahhhh!

    I can totally understand how you feel. I usually talk to my boyfriend every night before going to bed, but there are some nights (like tomorrow night) when I won't be able to talk to my boyfriend and I always feel a ton more lonely those nights. One idea in place of the skype for tonight is to put a picture of you two right next to you when you go to sleep. That way, you can still see him and he will be sort of be there tonight when you are going to sleep


      i didn't know big boys went to video game slumber parties hehe.
      can you take tonight to do girly stuff that you might not do on webcam? paint your toe nails, put curlers in your hair, have a big bowl of skittles for dinner? i never slept over webcam with rane, but on nights he was away and i was around, i'd take the opportunity to do things i wouldn't have wanted him to watch!


        I'm feeling really lonely tonight as well. My boyfriend's old roommate is spending the weekend with him and Tonight they are doing pirates a rum. I'm trying to talk to him as little as possible so he can spend the much need time with his friend.

        It also doesn't help that everyone and their mother has texted me tonight about how they are out drinking and wish I was there

        "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


          Wow... What's going on with our boyfriends tonight?

          Today is my boyfriend's birthday, and it really sucks because we didn't have that much time to talk. We both had to go to school during the day, then he went out to eat with his family and now he's hanging out with his friends (especially with one of them, since he moved to South Carolina and is back in Michigan for a couple of weeks).

          I was going to go to the movies with my friends tonight (No Strings Attached) but I ended up staying home because I'm exhausted after my first week of college. I just wanted to stay home and be lazy.

          I'm not telling you it's going to be easy.
          I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.


            haha yeahhh it sounds funny.. a video game slumber party haha

            but yeah i was going to work on the scrapbook i'm making him for valentines day.. but i dont know i was just feeling kind of.. numb i guess you could say
            i think part of it is because we did barely skype at all yesturday because i worked, then he went to work.. skyping for about 2 minutes inbetween then.. and i knew he was going to hang with friends later, but i knew he would come home and we would skype before we went to bed. so the fact that i thought he was coming home, then ended up saying he wasn't hit me harder then if i would have already known he was going to sleep over. so after he told me i layed in bed and just bawled my eyes out for some reason

            we did text a little bit, and he called me before i went to bed which i thought was really sweet, but i just wasn't in a very good mood, and i just wanted to go to sleep, and i woke up a lot because it was so weird not having him on skype (oh and by the way becca53088 i think thats a cute idea about the picture next to my bed ) but yeah and then when i woke up this morning i just sighed and it made me feel so weird.. i know i'm complaining a lot ha but it was just one of those nights


              well its not just the boyfriends
              me and my girl have gotten into a routine of falling asleep together and then getting on skype in the morning
              then last night like 5 mins b4 she got into the house from work her friend called and asked her to hang out
              all thats fine and all, i just wanst prepared to be missing her thats all
              so i hardly got any sleep because all i was doing was missing her and wishing i was there with her
              so i feel ur pain and just know that us guys go thru it too
              we're supposed to get on skype in a little bit but im still feeling kinda bummed about having missed her all night...i dont want it to come across when we talk
              she texted me all night saying she was missing me but still


                I get uneasy every time he goes somewhere. I know it is bad, especially because he doenst have many friends and doesnt go out much, but every time he does, I get nervous. I need to work on my self esteem


                  ^^^what makes you uneasy about him going out?


                    My SO went to a big boy video game slumber party last night too.... he does it every single friday, never misses one.... even though he knows I'm baby sitting tonight so we won't get to spend time together =( I even asked him to move the hang out time to tonight so we could of had last night but his friends are busy tonight so I see how I rate..... =(
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                      well the main key is to realize that when they hang out it doesnt mean that they think less of you or dont want to be with you. its important to have a life outside the LDR for alot of reasons
                      missing each other is never going to change and its esp harder when one is out and the other is just sitting around
                      but remember that they're more than likely missing you just as much as u miss them when you're out
                      if you wanna see how much they really miss you, instead of paying attention to when and why they were away...notice the first thing they do/say when they talk to u again
                      things like that help me deal with her being unavailable alot


                        Originally posted by Username View Post
                        ^^^what makes you uneasy about him going out?
                        Good question.I have to think about it. Sometimes I am afraid it is a date (yeah,yeah I know...), sometimes I just feel very lonely and wish he was home too and would talk to me or at least the thought that I am not the only one sitting at home Friday or Saturday night, a couple of times it was an issue with WHOM he went but that is a different story, sometimes I just feel like I am so used to that he is actually home a lot, that when he is not it is something out of ordinary and that is why I get worried.

                        I realize that it is me being dependent or something, and that it is me having a low self-esteem that causes all that, and that I need to work on it. I never tell him anything about how I feel, coz I know it is just wrong to be upset if he is out (especially since he is not out every night, not even close)

