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I'm being ridiculous but there ya go..

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    I'm being ridiculous but there ya go..

    Sometimes I think does anyone even understand what we’re going through. When you’re single, you’re alone, but at least you’re not missing anyone. When you’re taken, you have a partner, someone to love and care for, and they’re there. But when you’re taken, and you’re alone.. What do you do then?

    One of my friends asked me this morning if I was allowed get the train to see my boyfriend this weekend. My parents have firmly said No, to the particular idea and although I’m upset about it, I know that if I argue next weekend won’t happen either. So I tell her this and she goes, ‘well in all fairness, you do have to help out around the house. You can’t just leave’. And I’m like, ‘Yeah but I haven’t seen him in ages’ and she, as simple as this, just says, ‘Ah you’ll see him next week..’

    No one seems to get that being apart for even one day is so painful. So saying that I’ll last another week without him.. Just like that.. I don’t know why, but I want to slap her. She didn’t even say something particularly mean. I don’t know. Sometimes, I just wish they could feel the pain of being separated from that one person who means everything…
    Although this distance breaks my heart,
    And it's unbearable when we're apart,
    I know that it will all be fine,
    As my heart is yours,
    And yours is mine.. <3

    I know this feeling so well.
    I'm at an age where my parents can't tell me what (not) to do anymore and even when I was I didn't listen much to them ;-)
    But we're international and 1000km apart and we get to see each other ever 2 - 3 weeks. I really don't talk about how much I miss him with my friends anymore, because all I ever got was "But you're flying out there almost every weekend - you really see each other a lot". Maybe it's true and I know that a lot of people have it worse, but it doesn't mean that I don't miss him every single day that we're apart and that's most of the time.
    One of my best friends was staying in his city this semester and I didn't meet up with her the last time I was over. She sent me (and him...) a text stating pretty clearly that she wanted to meet up with me alone. I'm sorry... but I get to see my boyfriend for 3 days every 2,5 weeks - while I'm over there I'd like to spend my time with him (especially since she's coming back in a few weeks and we can meet up alone all the time then). She's really cross with me now and not answering my mails - drama!. She (like most of my other friends) is single, though. So I don't hold it against them, they really might not know how much you can miss someone.
    What irks me more is when my taken friends complain about how they will not see their SO for a week(end)/few days and then go "Oh, yeah I know. But for you two it's different!". Wtf, care to explain?!

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      Thats awful =/
      I can tell why you feel angry at her. People really dont understand how painful it is until they are in this situation and are going through being seperated from someone they love most. In a LDR, one week can seem like a whole year when your waiting to see them... its horrible
      Luckily, my mum was in the same situation as me once, so she understands how i feel.
      I always hate it when my friends say to me that they miss their Bfs after a few hours of not seeing them... becuase, i havent seen Sud in about a month, and i still have to wait about 3 months before i can see him again... I say to my friends sometimes that i really miss him, and they just tell me to stop being stupid and that he'll be back soon... but thats not the point. When he isnt here it feels like a whole lifetime before i can see him again.
      Seems to me - unless your in a LDR, no one really understands what your going through.
      I guess im just lucky in some ways that my parents understand... but very unlucky that it costs so much for flights for him to come and see me.


        I'm lucky. My mum really understands what I'm going through. She practically lives with her boyfriend, but when they're apart for a few hours they send each other lovey-dovey texts about how much they miss each other. When they first started dating, they'd see each other on weekends and once during the week, because even though there wasn't a lot of distance between them, her old job had crappy hours. So she's really supportive and always listening when I need to tell someone who much I miss my boyfriend I can't wait for them to finally meet next month!!!

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          My best female friend told me the same thing, except even worse: "Don't worry, 6 months will pass quickly."

          I'll never forget that.


            Yes, people are crazy mad sometimes. Because distance is somehow magically easy when you do it all the time. That's why so many military families get stressed out by deployments. *snorts*

            LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


              Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
              One of my best friends was staying in his city this semester and I didn't meet up with her the last time I was over. She sent me (and him...) a text stating pretty clearly that she wanted to meet up with me alone. I'm sorry... but I get to see my boyfriend for 3 days every 2,5 weeks - while I'm over there I'd like to spend my time with him (especially since she's coming back in a few weeks and we can meet up alone all the time then).
              I completely understand where you're coming from, but I notice a blaring double standard you have here. It's not okay for people to tell you "but you'll just see him next week", but you blow off your friend saying "she's coming back in a few weeks and we can meet up then". I have no doubt she's mad because you have different views for your relationships (friends vs. SO). Now I'm not saying that your SO is less important, but your friends are vitally important too. So, make time for them.


                Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                I completely understand where you're coming from, but I notice a blaring double standard you have here. It's not okay for people to tell you "but you'll just see him next week", but you blow off your friend saying "she's coming back in a few weeks and we can meet up then". I have no doubt she's mad because you have different views for your relationships (friends vs. SO). Now I'm not saying that your SO is less important, but your friends are vitally important too. So, make time for them.
                There's a difference though, because my friend is coming back and staying here whereas my boyfriend... it'll be over a year until I'll be able to see him more often.
                And it's not like I hadn't had time for her. Before I even arrived my boyfriend had invited her to a party on Friday night (she didn't show up).
                I would have met her together with my boyfriend, but she made it pretty clear that she wanted to see me alone. Now, I can really understand that. There's things I wouldn't want to discuss with my friend's SO around, but when I'm staying only four days, I'm not going to leave me boyfriend at home and meet her alone.

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                  I know this feeling so well.
                  I'm at an age where my parents can't tell me what (not) to do anymore and even when I was I didn't listen much to them ;-)
                  But we're international and 1000km apart and we get to see each other ever 2 - 3 weeks. I really don't talk about how much I miss him with my friends anymore, because all I ever got was "But you're flying out there almost every weekend - you really see each other a lot". Maybe it's true and I know that a lot of people have it worse, but it doesn't mean that I don't miss him every single day that we're apart and that's most of the time.
                  One of my best friends was staying in his city this semester and I didn't meet up with her the last time I was over. She sent me (and him...) a text stating pretty clearly that she wanted to meet up with me alone. I'm sorry... but I get to see my boyfriend for 3 days every 2,5 weeks - while I'm over there I'd like to spend my time with him (especially since she's coming back in a few weeks and we can meet up alone all the time then). She's really cross with me now and not answering my mails - drama!. She (like most of my other friends) is single, though. So I don't hold it against them, they really might not know how much you can miss someone.
                  What irks me more is when my taken friends complain about how they will not see their SO for a week(end)/few days and then go "Oh, yeah I know. But for you two it's different!". Wtf, care to explain?!

                  I am jealous of you being able to see each other every 2-3 weeks being 1000km apart. Sorry just had to vent. Not a lot of people can do it that often with such a distance.


                    I wish I could see my SO every 2-3 weeks lol we're only 160 miles apart but every mile gets more complicated than the last so to speak. I actually kind of have two problems. I have my single friends and close distance friends who are like "oh it's not that big of a deal if you can't see him for 8 months. I mean, you should've seen this coming, if you just listened to us and started dating So-and-so, this wouldn't be a problem." Then I have two "friends" who are also in ldr and one is like "I don't understand how you people miss your boyfriend so much, I'm getting along just fine." which I know is a lie but I could do without her hypocritical patronizing attitude, like she looks down on me for missing my SO. The other one is the complete opposite extreme - she says his name and bursts into tears and whines 24/7 to get attention and has flatly said "go away, you just don't understand, clearly you don't love or miss your boyfriend enough. Just let me sit here and throw my pity-party".


                      I agree with could have met her for coffee or breakfast before he got up and then spent the rest of your day with your SO...I mean you could have said oh well we had plans today but I can meet for maybe an hour for coffee...I understand that you don't see him very often I'm sure we all do but you do need to value friendships too...maybe she was feeling lonely and since you were in town wanted to meet up with someone she knew...but distance is never easy and an our apart in my opinion would not have ruined the trip.


                        I'm lucky in that no one's been too patronizing yet (at least, not to my face), but I get sick of explaining my relationship.

                        "Why is your boyfriend in Ontario" Because he lives there.
                        "Oh, but just for a while right?" No, he just lives there.
                        "Yeah, but he lived here first right?" No, he was here for 6 months for job training.
                        "So he's moving back here eventually?" No, there's no plans yet for who's going to move.
                        "Oh....." And then they look at me like I'm crazy. Which I guess I kinda am.

                        I had one person at work who told me I should have gotten a boyfriend someplace warm, but I took it as the joke that it (probably) was and told him if I was going my location I would have just gotten a boyfriend here.

                        "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                        -- Anonymous


                          Yea, nobody understands =_= because no body has ever done the LDR thing around me. They are mostly different degrees of looking at me like I'm crazy and expecting me to not be able to carry through, to just FORGET about him and find someone closer by. Well guess what, I wasn't the looking type anyways, so bah to you haters.


                            I agree with everyone else's posts. I think you can never understand until you're in it. Before my SO and I went long distance, I thought it would be no big deal... then the first couple of weeks were simply awful.

                            I think for LDR couples, it's not always that they're gone a lot, but that they're not there when we need them.

                            We can do great for a couple of days or weeks because it's not to hard to handle but I feel like we all get those moments of sadness or just a frustrating day. Everyone else can just call up their partner and they can come over. We can only skype or call them and it doesn't help as much as a hug. When more and more days like that pile up on you, you have a huge hole in your heart you just can't seem to fill...

                            My SO always reminds me (and it usually always helps): "It sucks for us. It's worse for others. We're making it by. Don't listen to others. It's hard now but we'll get there some day. If the relationships of others went long distance, they couldn't last a single day."


                              I don't want to make problems with your family, but if I was in your situation, I'd take the train even if they dont want. I wish my SO was close enough to go there by train.

