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24 hours with your SO

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    24 hours with your SO

    I have been thinking about it quite a lot.
    What would I do if I only would have 24 hours to spend with my SO?
    I would have a delicious small breakfast, then go to the beach for some hours before we would go to have lunch at a wonderful place with oceanview.
    After that we would go home to have a little rest and to cuddle and just to have time "doing nothing".
    In the evening I would want to go and see the sunset where we would have a little picnic and try to enjoy every minute we have left until our day would be over...sigh...

    So yes, What would you do if you could spend 24 hours with your SO?

    We'd probably spend the whole day in bed. Cuddling, kissing and, well,... other things.


      I'm gonna agree with NaNi on the "other things" comment. I think we'd also make good use of whatever time was left to either simply talk or go have fun somewhere, just have some bonding time.


        We'd probably spend the entire time in each other's arms. I third the "other things" remark lol but we'd also probably watch some Law and Order or Star Trek (we're nerds like that). Maybe read together, play a game together. He'd probably want to go out to our favorite restuarant for dinner, maybe take a little stroll together holding hands. Nothing too major, just some quiet time together would be a godsend


          well....heh.....defiantly the other things first *blushes* then go out and walk to a park with lunch, eat and then walk around the park, come back home watch a few movies with popcorn, make dinner, make love again ehem....and then just snuggle up and cuddle


            We would spend the day in bed together, then go out for a nice dinner.


              We would spend the whole day naked. In the morning we would make pancakes and we'd make a fort in my bed where lots of 'other things' would happen. Then if we would have fondue for dinner followed by snuggling on the couch to a movie.


                I love how everyone added the "other things" activity to their list.


                  I don't think we'd leave the house. We'd cook together, watch tv, have a shower together, and spend a lot of time doing those "other things" that everyone keeps talking about.

                  "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                  -- Anonymous


                    I wouldn't stop touching him - and I'd have plenty of sex, followed by takeout. And if he wanted a romantic date out, I'd make sure it happened. Followed by more sex. :P

                    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                      TALK. I love,love,love talking to him. He's so smart and wise and funny and imaginative. I know you can do that on the phone/skype but it's not the same. He has such a cute gesticulation that doesn't come across as well on webcam... and the time is never enough. I have so much to tell him/ask him about.
                      I love lying in bed and just talking to him.

                      Oh... and the other things you are all talking about

                      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                        I'd like to sit on a park and speak hours, then in the night going to a good restaurant, and after, sleeping (and more ) together.
                        This was an usual saturday or sunday when we were in London together. I liked it a lot.


                          I'd go on a walk in a park, find a secluded place and cuddle. Then take a nap next to him. Then go out for a super delicious dinner with an appetizer, dessert and bottle(s) of wine! Home for more bed-time fun!


                            We would do something really fun together out and about (most likely something active), we would go out to eat for lunch, maybe do something else out around where he lives, and then we would spend the rest of the day in--relaxing, talking, cooking dinner together, go on a long walk together in the evening (because we take the best walks that have the best conversations), and just be together...oh, and of course the "other things"... lol


                              Pfft. All day in bed. I'm not leaving it unless it's to go pee, eat, and that's about it..
                              we would watch movies and read to each other and lots and lots of "other things".

