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dreams =/

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    dreams =/

    So I've NEVER been one of those girls to plan her wedding or anything. As a little girl I never planned anything. I always wanted to get married, but never actually thought about it. Now, for the past couple days I've been having these dreams about getting married to Alex. We've talked about that possibility, but it's so weird as we said, "three to five years down the road" and I'm hving dreams about dress shopping and walking down the aisle and I'm not even engaged. What is this? some sort of weird subconscious thought that has manifested? =/

    I need help as I've never had dreams like this before and I don't know what is going on in my head ^^;

    Dreams always consist of stuff going on in your life, even the little thing in your day can have an effect on your dreams. I have dreams about working after I spent extra time at work, If you've been talking about getting married its on your mind and so it also is in your dreams. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


      I can definitely relate to your post. I have had some dreams about this too and my SO and I have definitely talked about getting married several times, however because I will be in graduate school for the rest of my life haha it will also be 3-5 years down the road. I sometimes browse rings online or I think about different dresses but then I have to stop myself because it is so far in the future and I really can't put all my hopes in right now when things are not set in stone and we aren't engaged or anything yet. But, yes, I know exactly what you mean! I wish I could turn these thoughts off in my brain because there is still a good amount of years to wait until we get engaged (given that everything goes just as well in the meantime!). I think you are like me-- you are probably starting to feel antsy especially because you know you will have to wait a while for it to happen. Also, you have found someone who you love so much that they have even caused you to start thinking of the tiny details that go into getting married, where before you probably didn't think of such things. I keep myself from looking too much at wedding-related things because I know that if things don't work out, it would be such a major let down. I am waiting for an engagement to really start looking, but in the meantime--it doesn't hurt to browse *a little bit*, right? And, it is good to have dreams like this; it means you have something to look forward to. Just take the dreams as they come, don't take them too, too seriously, but as they come just smile to yourself and realize that these dreams most likely reflect strong feelings for your SO.


        Folclor, where are you from if you do not mind me asking?

        Ever since I have been with my SO, I have seen so many dreams that I am in labor and I have babies. A lot. I do not know why. WE are not married or engaged and I do not know when and if it will ever happen, but I have never seen so many dreams in my life about me becoming a mother.


          @becca - Exactly @.@

          @tissa - from Texas ^^;

          @snow_girl - I know that that's the explanation usually given dreams are usually much stranger. Like the only "normal" dreams I've ever had are dreams that have ended up actually happening (I dreamed about something that happened in my sixth grade history class that happened the exact way it did in my dream before school started that year) and random dreams about/with Alex. Usually, though, I'll have dreams like driving around in a giant twinkie or using a pitcher full of sugar to catch mice or that all the trees are made out of neon and the sky's really cardboard and there's a talking dragon who lives next door to the axe murderer down the street ^^;;; so dreaming about wedding for me is like @.@ WTF is wrong with me? ^^;


            I have dreams like that too that are unexplainable. My hair gel flew away last night in my dream. Dreaming about something going on in your life is not uncommon though. If it has been heavily on your mind it isn't unlikely to be in your dream. Try not to think about it so much and you should stop dreaming about it. Or just enjoy the dreams and go along with it like a soap opera!


              I keep having wedding dreams and pregnant dreams. Pregnant dreams are the worst, I always wake up like "OMG! AM I PREGNANT??"

              I just feel like it's my body and my biological clock being perfect for reproduction at the moment. It's trying to hint to me REPRODUCE. No it's not romantic, but that's what I contribute it to


                I think it's perfectly normal to have dreams like that. My SO and I have only been together for a little while but he's already given me a promise ring and swore that he will do whatever it takes to ensure that we make it through the distance so we can be together, and yes, get engaged later. He's said that that won't be for another anywhere between 2 and 4 years. At least one of us needs to graduate first, if not both of us. But I've still thought about it from time to time - even while awake lol. I've gone so far as to try and figure out who I would and wouldn't want to invite. As long as you allow plenty of room for change and don't get your hopes up too fine, there's nothing wrong with it.


                  I think you are just thinking about it more, and that with Alex you feel comfortable enough to get married to him, and you are just dreaming about it. It is normal..and with what you said about your dreams coming a way..then maybe you are just seeing the future?!? Is it a bad thing?!


                    Becca: SPOT ON! Thank you for your answer!
                    I've been having this too...without going into detail, it makes it harder for me, knowing it's going to be so long and that yes, we're not even engaged and won't be until much much later. I think it's normal're dreams are usually about what you think most about or are currently stressing about. With those marriage dreams I also have ones about college, kids, money and of course those random ones that you can never really explain...

                    I'm not sure if you're at all spiritual (if you're not, please completely ignore this last part. I'm not trying to force anything on you) but I'm very spiritual and this really, really, really helps me. I pray about it. I give my relationship to God and have if glorify him. I ask for him to keep my head on straight and to focus on him instead and it really evens things out. Both my SO and I are dedicated to him and we know that he's taking care of it up there and that we don't need to worry.

