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Would you rather...?

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    Would you rather...?

    This is somewhat similar to the question posted by snow_girl today. I was wondering what most people thought...

    If you could only choose one, would you rather...

    Become deaf and never be able to hear your SO again or become blind and never be able to see your SO again?

    Since you got your idea from me I suppose I should be the first to answer! I think I would rather be deaf, at least that way I'd still be able to see him and do things normally with him (hiking, swimming etc) Might be fun to learn sign language together as well.


      Definitely deaf. I used to be pretty rockin' in sign language and it's a great language and community.


        I think I'd rather be deaf, then I would be able to see him, and learn to read lips to know what he's saying but I'd hate never being able to see him Dx

        Met: 8.17.09
        Started Dating: 8.20.09
        First Met: 10.2.10
        Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


          Deaf. I will learn how to understand what he is saying by looking at his lips.


            I forgot to answer my own question lol...and yes, I agree with you. I would definitely rather be deaf. I can't imagine not seeing my SO and with sign language, we could still communicate (along with still having the vision) and it would likely bring us even closer together to communicate in that way.


              When it comes to my SO, I'd actually pick blind. As much as I love being able to see him, hearing his voice and touching him mean the world to me. Seeing him is a very close second. Especially being in an LDR and not using skype all that often.

              When it comes to the rest of my life, definitely deaf.

              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
              -- Anonymous


                Wow, um, apparently I'm different. I'd much rather be blind XD I love talking to him too much.


                  Deaf. I know sign language. I could still type, write, talk to, and see my SO.


                    I'd rather neither ^^; to not see in itself is a problem because of my inner ear imbalance and the issue that I am extraordinarily clumsy ^^; So, while I would love to still see my boyfriend, the issue is not "Oh no! I wouldn't see him!" the issue is I would likely fall and die within the first few hours I was blind ^^;

                    As for hearing...the issue with losing that for me is more complicated to explain. Either way I wouldn't really be able to rightly survive ^^;


                      I would rather be deaf. I couldn't imagine not being able to see him and his facial expressions...but he does have a pretty nice voice too!


                        Deaf, definitely. We have this thing about liking to sit together in silence, and thus, a lot of the time I'm used to not being a chatterbox already.


                          That's even harder than the first one! lol. Um... giving up sight would be hard since I actually have a fear of going blind but at the same time.... his voice is such a comfort to me I couldn't imagine never hearing it again. So I guess I'd just have to pick blindness


                            Definitely deaf. I can't imagine not being able to see his face.

                            "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                            - A. A. Milne


                              deaf...I love seeing the way he looks at me.
                              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

