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good news.

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    good news.

    My SO may be coming home. He is currently in Afghanistan, he is in the army. He works with a dog who sniffs out bombs. The dog hasn't been doing her job. About two weeks ago, explosives went off at the base he was at. The vet says that the dog has PTSD. My SO's unit will be leaving Afghan in April to go to Kentucky, they are done with their deployment. My SO may have to fly to Indiana with his dog, to bring her home, and he may get to come home. It will only be for a few days, but a few days are better than none. I'm super happy atm.

    That's great It'll be nice to see your SO. I feel bad for that doggy though


      I've never heard of a dog with PTSD before - interesting. I hope you guys get to see each other, that'd be awesome.

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        That would be so nice if you guys got to see each other!


          Congrats! I'm glad he'll be coming home soon!


            I hope you get to see him! =]

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

