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Just wanted to let you all know

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    Just wanted to let you all know

    I broke up with Chris (my SO) tonight. It was a difficult decision, but I felt like we were just too incompatible with one another. We weren't right for each other, and I didn't feel like we were going towards the same places in life. I'm really not wanting any pity, I'm only posting this to let everybody know so that you know why I won't be around too much. I'm sure I'll still keep checking in every so often and posting, since I've made a ton of great friends here. I love all of you guys a lot and you all have meant so much to me over the past 7 months. If you ever want to talk to me, you're more than welcome to either add me on Facebook if you haven't already, or just drop me a PM.

    Thanks again to Michelle and Frank, you guys have really got an amazing thing going here. Good luck to you guys, and everybody else on LFAD.

    By the way: my Facebook is


    You said you didn't want pity, but I'm still so very sorry, mostly because you won't be around as much. You seem to deal with it pretty well and if you feel it's best for you, it ultimately is, so there's nothing more to say for me. It just comes totally out of the blue and I'm a little shocked, I have to say, as I haven't seen any other threads where you mentioned problems/doubts.

    I will miss you a lot and hope you will still check in every now and then. Or I'll find you on facebook. I wish you all the best, but I'm not saying goodbye!

    ETA: Already found you on fb...
    Last edited by lunamea; March 1, 2010, 10:53 PM.


      I just wanted to say that you must be such a strong person to be able to make such a difficult decision. I know that it must have been a heart-wrenching decision to make but it is obviously the right one for you so kudos to you for having the strength to actually go through with it!

      You might not be in an LDR anymore but do stick around, you've been there so you still have lots of good advice to give .

      Best wishes!


        If you feel it's right then it's the right thing for you I say. *hugs* Have a great day dear!


          Sorry to hear this Jackie... even if it's the right decision, I'm sure it won't be easy. I'll see you on Facebook, but do try to stop by from time to time. You give such great advice/support!


            *Hugs* I'm glad you're doing whatever is best for you, even if it's painful and sad right now. And I'm glad you'll still check in from time to time coz I'd miss yooo
            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


              I hope you're doing alright, Jackie. *hugs* If you ever need someone to talk to, remember that we're all here for you.


                Oh man, I can't believe what I just read lol. I'm so sorry Jackie *hugs*

                I hope you stick around, you'll be missed if you don't!

                Good luck with everything you do, I hope it all works out
                In a relationship with

                Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                My Albums:
                Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                My dog Sam ♥


                  Lots og hugs!


                    Aw. im shocked too.
                    We're gonna miss you lots!
                    I cant add anything more to whats been said already except for some hugs from me.

                    Take care, Jackie.


                      I know it wasn't an easy decision but hooray for you doing what is right for yourself. You are a strong person and I am sure you will make it just fine no matter what you decide. However like everyone else has said I hope you stick around. Just because you are no longer in an LDR doesn't mean you aren't a part of the LFAD family.
                      Lot of hugs. Take care Jackie.


                        Thanks everyone for all the kind words, I truly do appreciate it. I'll be more than willing to stick around (seriously, I have no life, haha), but it might take me a little longer to reply to certain topics.

                        I know it was really abrupt and sudden for some of you who I don't really talk to much, but the relationship was just getting rough for me and the more I got to know my SO, the more I found that I either didn't agree with or just didn't like. He was an angry and sad person, and kind of selfish, and it's just hard to be with someone like that when you view the world in rainbows and butterflies. There is no chance for reconciliation, not that I really want it anyways. He's probably very bitter towards me, and he said some hurtful things just for the sake of hurting me.

                        I'm doing quite well after the break up though.. I had a hard time sleeping last night, so as a result I'm really tired at the moment. It's just difficult to get back into the habit of being single. I know I'm not alone, since I have a ton of friends who are supporting me through this, but it still feels like I'm alone because I used to come home every day and spend all day behind the computer... and now I really want to be any where but in my room. So it'll just take some getting used to getting into a new routine.

                        Thanks again everyone, you all mean so much to me.


                          I'm sorry things didn't work out, but i guess better to break up now then later. It seems like the longer a relationship lasts the harder it is to end it. Good luck getting back on your feet Jackie!


                            as molly said, its better to realize now that you are incompatible than later...
                            take good care of yourself : )
                            Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
                            And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
                            ~Richard Bach

                            “Always,” said Snape.


                              Sounds like you made the right decision (though it is a bit of a shock to us lol). But when you're ready to sit by your PC again without feeling sad we'll be here! Take care and hope to hear from you soon
                              If you get bored you can always go walk up and down the stairs

