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Does anyone KNOW that the distance will take years to close?

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    we have no date in sight. he could technically move here but isnt ready to leave his family. and he would want to live with me if/when he does. but i dont want to live together until we are married and we arent ready to get married lol. i could move there but i have a really good job with the government here and cant afford to support myself there. so we wait...


      I know I won't be able to see him whenever I want to until at least May 2013, when we both graduate. So it's another 2.5years. I honestly don't know how we're going to do it. It makes me freak out when I think of it like that... two... and... a half... years. Ah. It's a long time for me. =/

      Oh and there's no plans of marriage or babies! We're both young and while I daydream at times about things like that, we're not ready for neither of those.


        It sucks because I know it will probably be 2 years minimum before we can close the distance but I just try to look at it as every day we are one day closer to it. I also try not to dwell on it because when I think wow it's going to be years I start to get discouraged rather then if I just think short term and focus on the next time I am going to see him.

        Madly in love with Michael


          We don't know exactly how long, but it's a long time. At least 2-3 years. Mainly because he's in the US and I'm in Canada. We're also trying to get our lives on track so when we can be closer we won't have to worry about money. But we both knew this going into the relationship and we both are willing to make it work.

          I think something that helps us is that his best friends are actually long distance too and they're in a US/Canada relationship as well. They've been together for at least 3 years, so they're ahead of the game. It's nice that if we have questions about legal things they can help. They also understand what it's like. Honestly, this helps him more than me because he's closer to them. But that in turn helps me because he's got someone else to talk to who can relate.

          And more importantly there's love. ^^ We love and care about each other and that helps us cope more than anything.


            I'll (hopefully) graduate in the summer of 2014, so we hope to close the distance around that time. (Think we'll prepare visa and such before my graduation.)


              My SO and I knew when we started it would be about 3 years, and yes 3 years is a long time. Fortunately we've only got about 4 months left. I'm going to school and I'll graduate in May.

              Only thing I can say is don't get discouraged. If you're meant to be then it will be worth it in the end. And it will go by faster than you think.


                The distance in my relationship will take at least three years to close, possibly more. Although that might be quite short time in comparison to other relationships out there, it's still just as hard. I try to visit him as much as a possibly can and I talk to him every day (Unless this is impossible). The thing that keeps me going is the fact that he's out there, he's loyal and he loves me. Being apart from him is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but if feelings like that can be so strong then closing the distance will be the absolute best thing ever to happen to me. What I do know is that the time goes quicker than I think it will and every moment spent with him is a moment I treasure.


                  yea it will be at least 2 years. There are so many options both of us are exploring. Currently He's prepping for a deployment so he will be gone until June '12 so he might transfer where I am or and my contract w the Army is up in July 2013 so then I could move and be w him because he has a longer commitment to the Guard in MN or wants to try to go active. I am also exploring other options such as getting my masters through the military but not sure yet...We have a tentative endstate but its all up in the air depending on what we do!!
                  " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
                  Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

                  Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                    I know it'll be a few years for us, at least three. I have an adult daughter who still lives at home and needs to get herself figured out career-wise, and an 11 year old Dalmatian who wouldn't adjust to the move and I'd NEVER give her up. Also, both he and I have either been married, or in very long term, live-in relationships before and we aren't in any big hurry, we are taking things a bit more slowly and want to make sure we're doing the right things for the right reasons. I don't mind that much, to be honest, I'm OK with LDR and he is too.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      It will take roughly 2 - 2 1/2 years for my SO and I to close the distance. Stupid financial complications and plummeting economy :P


                        At this point, I think it will be at least 2 years before the distance is closed.....maybe 3 years.

                        I need to get in and out of Nursing school before I make another move. I know he's not going to move here, nor would I ask him to. Heck I don't even want to live here
                        Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast; is not proud, rude or self-seeking. Love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

                        ~*~Love never fails~*~ 1 Corinthians 13


                          I honestly have NO idea.

                          One day at a time.
                          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                            At this rate, it'll be at least 3 years. At this point for us, it's too early to really discuss our future together, which sucks because I have so many decisions to make that could work either for or against us :/ On the bright side, most of our relationship will have been LD, so wherever we end up separately won't really change the LD routine. When I graduate at the end of 2012 I could move to his city, but I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket just now... and neither does he.

