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Hearing about all these break-ups...

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    Hearing about all these break-ups...

    Is anyone else feeling a bit uneasy about having serious talks with their SOs because of all the break-ups that seem to be happening lately o? There's a couple things I want to talk about with my boyfriend (they're nothing particularly huge), but I feel kinda hesitant and wonder if I should wait. It's a silly reason, so I'm probably the only one. ^^;;

    Not at all. My SO and I are doing great, and there's no shame in having a relationship that's doing well, nor should you worry about bringing anything up, unless you're too stressed to talk calmly.

    I think people need to go easy on themselves and remember that flexibility is key in an LDR. Mistakes happen, miscommunications happen, tiffs happen. It's how you handle it that determines where you go and how your relationship forms.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      Just because other couples break up, doesn't mean yours will. Each one of these break-ups has happened for varying reasons. Honestly by holding back, you're sabotaging your own relationship. Don't get me wrong, this recent waterfall of break-ups on here has made me uneasy, but if anything, it makes me evaluate my own relationship and think of how I could make it better. Holding back issues I have to my SO, is only going to hinder us in the end. Communication is the key, without that, we are standing on very shakey ground.

      <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
      <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
      The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
      <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
      <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
      Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
      Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


        well i wont lie its making me a bit paranoid but thats just me anyway lol, regardless of whats happening i still have serious talks with her, although its a bit stressful for us at the moment because due to not having any money in the bank i cant put more on jaxtr and today we have to talk for a half hour instead of an hour cause i dont have too much credit, plus i dont know when my cable is gonna shut off but tomarrow i get my international minutes back and hopefully everything is still turned on tomarrow, so its a little bit stressful with that at the moment, plus she's gotta move to our apartment on Wednesday so shes also stressed with that, plus other stressful things but we'll get through it!


          I think all the breakups give me more motivation to have serious conversations with my SO, because I know our relationship is strong.. Amazingly enough, all the serious conversations bring us closer to each other instead of pushing us apart. I love it


            no, no, you're not the only one ^^; I've felt a little uneasy because of it too ^^;


              It's not like there's something in the water or anything. I'm sure it's fine. Obi still pisses me off in Jan as much as any other time of the year and I'm not hesitating to tell him all about that just because a bunch of my friend's relationships have not worked out. It's sad, but it's not something to worry over. It's not an illness. We wont catch a case of breaking up.
              Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                No, it hasn't made me feel uneasy. We're doing great. It has made me want to put that little bit of extra effort into our relationship though, and some extra communication just to make sure.

                I do want to say how sorry I am to all those who have broken up recently though.


                  Some relationships, despite any normal struggles, are better than ever right now. We just don't hear about it much.
                  My heart belongs to a pilot!


                    I agree with Trethsparr and I think at some point Siliviar has already pointed it out in another thread before.
                    If all of us who are very much in love and whose relationship is flying in 7th heaven (despite the distance *sigh*) posted about it, you'd probably get a different impression.
                    I alone could post 9842562 threads every day saying that I love my boyfriend so unbelievably much, that he looked so aborable on Skype the other night, that I'm incredibly lucky and glad to have him,... But I figure it's neither something I need advice on, nor something that most of yous would find very interesting to read.
                    So I keep it to myself (or to texts to me hero).
                    Last edited by Dziubka; January 31, 2011, 01:13 PM.

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      I've noticed the tendency and while I think it's sad and I'm really sorry for their troubles, I'm not worried about my own relationship me and my guy are still going strong ♥
                      He can annoy me all he wants I love him more than ever, and can't wait to see him in a little over a month..


                        I'm not uneasy. I feel very secure about my relationship and it won't prevent me from having a serious discussion if I need to (which I don't at the moment). My heart does go out to all those having troubles, though.


                          I've felt a little uneasy about it because we've been on and off shakey lately. So when yesterday I got angry about something and he got angry too and made the mistake of saying something hurtful, I turned around and said "maybe we don't work out so great after all." which got both of us to shut up and to focus on finding ways to work out better. I'm of the mind that, that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's best not to put off issues so they have a chance of becoming bigger.


                            Oh, don't get me wrong I'm not concerned about my relationship :P. We had a good talk a few nights ago and everything's good with us. I know I'm lucky and we have a strong loving relationship. But on the flip side, like a lot of you said, it almost makes you want to talk about things more. Nothing wrong with that, but personally I wonder if my "issues" are really that big of a deal at all and if I just want to talk about it because I'm slightly paranoid they'll snowball. Like yesterday I was feeling kinda down about the amount of quality time we spend together. I was thinking of mentioning it to him, but then I noticed that we'd actually been talking on Skype for 5 hours straight. That's a long time lol. It's normal for me to feel like time just flies by, but in the moment I thought it was a problem except it's really not.


                              Yeah, I suppose it makes me think about the state of our relationship a little more, but really, it doesn't make me feel uneasy. He and I are really good right now, and we're just ecstatic about seeing each other again. We've made it 11 months... We'll make it a couple more.

