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One Piece of Advice

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    trust them. it doesnt matter what they did in there past, what has happened with yours or there r earlier relationships you always have to trust them, because that and love is the key ingredient to making it work between you two


      Don't focus on the distance. It's your biggest obstacle and it sucks, but you both know that so no reason to keep bringing it up. Focus more on the positives of your relationship. My boyfriend and I like to keep in mind that if the worst thing about our relationship is just the distance, then we must not be doing so bad. :P


        Be your own person. Too often couples think of themselves as one....and it is SO important that each person has their own hobbies and interests. It keeps the mind busy and you are keeping true to you..and being your OWN person.
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          BTW...great post!
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            If you want something, make it known. Don't wait for it to fall into your lap.


              Don't ever forget why you are doing the distance in the first place. It's easy to say, I could find some one closer and not deal with all of this stress. But the reason you are doing it is because they are worth it. That love is something different and so special, you are willing to go the distance for it. Always. always, always remember that.


                This totally depends on the person, because everyone expects different things from a relationship and a lot of the things said here are vital in CDR's too.

                So for me in a Long Distance Relationship, the best advice and the most important thing is:
                It doesn't matter whether you can visit next in two weeks, two months or two years. The important thing is that you know, you'll see each other again or that you're working towards it together(!).
                And not only plan your visits. Plan when and how you're going to close the distance. Even if it's going to take years and you might have to change your (even rough) plans a hundred times. It's so important to have something to look forward to.
                It might not be the same for others, but without the perspective (and even if it's in the very far future) of eventually being together all the time, I couldn't go through all this. I need this hope to cling to.

                Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                  If there's a problem, talk about it, don't just let it sit and fester. Once it's done, let it be done. Communication is really one of the most valuable tools with LDRs.


                    *I haven't read the entire post yet but...*

                    - When you do meet, take lots and lots of pictures! Hell, if you webcam, take lots and lots of pictures! I was surprised to realize just how much pictures can help me when I'm down. My phone's screen is a picture of us and I have a couple in there of him sleeping (ok, I know I sound nuts, but trust me! They're cute lol).
                    - Have other things going on in your life. I'm struggling with this personally because sometimes all I want to do is talk to him 24/7 (especially when I'm emotional and on my TOM) but whether it's a job, school, project, travel, etc have SOMETHING that can keep you busy. Personally nothing ever gets him off my mind, but I do think of him less when I'm super busy. Currently I'm taking 4 classes (2 online) and I have 2 jobs, one daytime and one nighttime. I STILL don't feel busy enough!
                    - Watch out who you talk to about your LDR. Not everyone will understand it. But even if they don't, don't lose hope... just come and post on LFAD ha!

                    That's all I have for now.

