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*Eye roll*

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    *Eye roll*

    *headesk* Just thought I'd share one of those days where the planets don't align LDR communication-wise.

    Remember how I told you that his car was wrecked (someone ran into him) and maybe some of the worries he had about it setting him back financially and also pushing visits and the possibility of being closer together back?

    Now, he sat down and did some budgeting and seems not only insistent that it would be more practical to get a new car (which will require a loan on top of the money he was given for the insurance), but now he seems to be gleefully thinking that if he has to spend the money...he might as well get a Mini Coop.

    I mean, I didn't say much, as it is his money...but I'm kind of dumbfounded that he went from worrying for the two of us (and, even aside from thinking of our relationship...he should be more practical about taking more loans out when he already has student loans) to telling me that he might get something which is a tad ostentatious or trendy for his current economic situation. (...and, also, when I think of Mini Coops, I like them...but I think of prissy wives of tennis/ hockey/ football stars driving them around. I thought his hybrid was so much cooler and from the research I did would still cost less new than a new Mini Coop).

    There were lots of other silly misunderstandings tonight or disagreements and, needless to say, I didn't get around to talking about some of my other concerns with him.

    I would agree that doesn't sound like a very manly car. Did you mention the whole hybrid thing? Maybe he would consider it. I'm sorry things aren't going how you would like. Bad luck.


      In those situations, I find it's best to let them have their fantasies. You don't have to necessarily encourage it, but a smile and a "whatever you think" goes far. He may very well come to his senses and realize how impractical the car is. And if he does, he'll appreciate the fact that you didn't browbeat the decision out of him. But even if he doesn't, realize it's HIS decision and he needs to own it.

      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


        Yep, totally agree with BabyGund.


          Yes, because getting into debt and gaining a car payment is definitely the way to go when you're trying to save money so you can close the distance. I wonder if he even considered the fact that his insurance will probably go up as well.

          Arguing him out of the decision is a lose-lose for you, unfortunately, and you're right - it's his decision. I would leave it at "Well, its your money and choice." If he asks your opinion, just try to be as logical as possible in your statements - that usually works best.
          Last edited by Silviar; February 6, 2011, 01:12 PM.

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            Yeah, I would probably laugh at my SO if he told me he was going to get a Mini Cooper. LOL, I'm bad.. But, really!?

            I'm sorry you're having issues lately. Hugs!

