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Relocating to go to college and be by him?

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    Relocating to go to college and be by him?

    Well supposing we get through our current bump in the road, I graduate in a year and I've been procrastinating like no other about college plans (overwhelmed by all the stupid emails, phone calls, offers...). My SO is in the AF and after this coming up August will be stationed at his first duty staion. Now I dont exactly know what I'm going to do yet, but I've considered moving over to where he is.
    Now I've always been warned not to "follow" a guy because it could end badly. I'm aware of that but either way I still get my education right? I'll have been with him for over 3 (closer to 4) years. He says he'd love me to be there with him, but he wants that to be my decision. I really do want to go, but I'm scared?
    Out of state tuition is very costly, and while I do have the means to meet them, it'd be more efficient to be instate. We're also young! I'd be 17 entering college and I'm so worried about how everybody would say that its irresponsible on my part. However I want to be with him so badly! I know with all my heart that I'm in love with him and that I'd love to be able to see him daily.

    Any insight on this?

    You have to see if it's financially possible, can you try to find a scholarship or something like that? You only have to make what it'll be the best in the long run.


      Ya I can handle it financially, I've gotten lots of scholarships so thts not exactly the issue. its really more if its a smart thing to do.



        Well, you've been together for quite a long time, so I wouldn't say it's "irresponsible". I'll tell you my story, and that one was irresponsible LOL:

        I was just applying for studying abroad when I met my husband and 6 months later, I cancelled it because of him. I was really torn back then, too, and people thought I was completely stupid to do this (we'd only been together for a few months, so I could see their point) and they told me it would ruin my life and would be the biggest mistake ever. They told me stories about women staying home for their boyfriends with whom they broke up soon after, but their chance of doing what they wanted to do had gone.

        So, now here I am. I'm married, love my husband more than anything, I'm happy. And I'm studying abroad, too! I'm glad I made the decision I did, because if I had left back then, we probably wouldn't be where we are now. I would've tortured myself with "what ifs" and so on. Sure, nobody knows what would have happened - I might have met someone else or we could still have made it work, but I didn't want to take the chance back then.

        People will always say you're running after him. As a woman, you're always judged when you're making decisions according to your gut feeling. Be aware, though, that most of the people telling you not to run after him would probably do that in your situation. So, don't listen to other people. Listen to yourself and weigh the pros and cons.


          I mean, if you can get the scholarships I will say, why not? And always remember that is impossible to please everybody, and they will always talk!

