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A Sad Move

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    A Sad Move

    I moved to be with my SO. Things didn't work out as planned due to unfortunate circumstances. Now I have to move back to my city. He doesn't want me to leave. Did anyone experience this type of situation? What did you do? Any advice is welcomed. Thanks.

    Unfortunately, that's very vague, so the best I can do is to give generic advice. If he doesn't want you to leave, I would talk to him about how you're going to approach whatever didn't work out as a team and make sure you can overcome whatever it is that's causing you problems together. If you can't, then you need to take your opinions on the matter first and do what's right for you. Good luck.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      It's hard to give advice since I don't know if there's a problem in your relationship or if it's something else that's making it impossible for you 2 to live together...

      I think the question here is: Do you want to leave? Or do you have to leave due to a certain circumstance? If you're having issues in your relationship I suggest you have a LONG talk with your SO about them and try to find a compromise that you're both happy with.

      If it's a problem outside your relationship I suggest you work as a team like Silviar said and try to work around the issue together. If you can provide more information about your situation it will be easier for people to help you. I hope you can get through this without having to be away from him again.


        I just closed the distance at the end of December and am struggling everyday. I don't know what exactly is going on with you but like your partner, my so doesn't want me to leave eaither. I miss my family 1st off and living with him isn't all I thought it would be. We have alot of finanial difficulties along with parenting diffrences and most of all things just seem different between us. I am trying to make sure that if I make the decision to leave that it's the right one because I can't afford to make anymore mistakes. I love him and my heart will be broken but I don't know if thats a good enough reason to stay. If you get a chance and can give more info on whats going on maybe we can be more helpful.

