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Hoping if I'm not alone in feeling this way...

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    Hoping if I'm not alone in feeling this way...

    So I am a lucky lucky lucky (x 1,000) gurl because my SO is coming to visit me tomorrow and will be visiting me for TWELVE DAYS

    I've been smiling and happy all day. The only surprising thing is I'm nervous to see my SO again even though it's only been a little more than a month since I last saw him. Has this happened to anyone? I asked my SO and he said he's feeling that way too. I kinda like this feeling because it's similar to the feelings of when we first met. But it's also surprising. It's not like I haven't met him before. So why the nervousness?

    Well, idk if anyone has felt this way after they are seeing their SO after some time apart. If so, I'd appreciate hearing. Or if anyone has any idea why I might be feeling this way that would be awesome too.

    P.S. I'm so glad to apart of this community btw!!!

    I haven't thought of this yet, but I imagine I really might be! It'll be another 3.5 months at the quickest till we next see each other, and another year after that. 6 months to a year is plenty of time for me to feel nervous!! I was also nervous around him for the longest time in the beginning because I had a crush...What if I notice the height difference(and its vast-6 inches with me being taller! haha) and freak out over that???

    Hopefully it resolves by the time my visit is coming. =x


      I was pondering the same thing a while ago - since next month, when I go to Australia, it'll be 6 months since I last saw him.. but now, come to think of it, I doubt it I'm pretty sure we'll fall right back into our old CD relationship..... but maybe it's different when you've lived together before the distance?


        I was extremely nervous before I met Matt at the airport in December. We hadn't seen each other for a week under a year and I was terrified that the feelings weren't going to be there any more. Those fears were silly. We were happier than we've ever been. I hope you and your SO feel the same way after a relatively short period of time! :P


          @Luisina we actually haven't lived before but the first time we hung out was last year and part of January during my winter break. I don't think I'm worried that things won't go back to how they are. I just sort of feel like I'm getting the silly butterfly feelings again. I guess if anything that is a really great feeling. But it's funny how even just not seeing him for a month can make me feel this nervous...I feel like I'm back in high school again lol


            @Sarah thank you so so much for your advice. I feel like there is a slight nervousness that my feelings will somehow not be the same. But I agree I can only see them getting stronger. I'll definitely keep updated how the nervous energy turns out.


              My SO will back up on Monday after only being gone for three weeks. He was here for a month before he left, and I'm still nervous. I'm nervous every time. I think it's more of an exciting nervous than anything. It happens every single time for both of us.

              "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
              - A. A. Milne


                I was totally nervous the last time I visited my SO. It was silly since we had lived together for like 7 months before and really had no reason to be nervous. But my stomach was doing flips.

                Also, most people on here say that it all melts away when they see their SO at the airport or hug them again. Not at all in my case, when I visited in December, the first 2 hours I was freaked out b/c I was like, "who is this man holding my hand in the taxi?" Seriously it just felt soooo weird to be next to him after so long. He seemed so different.
                But then a few hours later, when we were at home, it all felt right again and he seemed like himself again.

                So don't worry about being nervous! And don't worry if the nervousness stays for the first bit.


                  I'm going to see my SO on Monday and I'm already really nervous about it. It's a nervous excitement, and for me it's more induced by the fact that I'm doing the traveling. curse him for making me miss him so bad I'll ride the train to come see him!

                  But I'm also nervous about how things are going to be, what we're going to do. Whether he'll like my new haircut in person. You name it lol. But I know that I'm also very excited to find out how things will be with us together again. I'd say it's a pretty normal feeling.


                    My boy comes tomorrow. I always get butterflies when we visit.
                    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


                      I always get nervous when I'm driving to the airport and when I'm waiting for him to come out of the gate. But after we hug for the first time, everything goes back to the same. It feels like he never left.


                        I visited my SO after a year of not seeing him and I was soooooo nervous. Then he came to visit me 7 months after that and I was so nervous driving to the airport I thought I was going to vomit. He's coming again next week, we'll see how I handle it this time!


                          I have had it happen, yes. Visiting nerves are normal from what it seems everyone else reports.

                          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                            I usually envision myself leaping into my boyfriend's arms when I see him again. You know, like they do in the movies? In reality, our meeting is usually not that epic. It takes me a few minutes to realize I am actually there. I get butterflies and anxious feelings every single time, but after a few minutes of him holding me, I am completely fine. And, it always seems unbelievable that I am back with him since I was anticipating it for so long.


                              I always get nervous when my SO comes back. I get really nervous in arrivals, especially when the door keeps opening and its not him. The suspense kills me.

                              OOOO Just thinking about this is making me excited.

