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Help about plane rides, etc?

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    When I went to Malaysia, I had my laptop in a laptop bag, but it didn't LOOK like a laptop bag. I had one like..

    Which just looks like an overnight back. You can also put a tonne of other things in them too, I would deffinatley reccomend getting one! (oh and make sure your laptop is light, mine weighs a TONNE and i was so so so sick of carrying it by the time i got on the plane >.<)


      Okay, here's the article about carry on allowances from Canada to the US:

      This is what I'm trying to fit into. Hence, when I say 'laptop bag' I do mean laptop bag otherwise they probably won't allow me to take it on the plane. ^^; Also, I have to keep my actual carry on bag under 22 lbs which I can do, but I don't want to add my laptop to that and then end up over the limit. ^^;;

      Thanks for trying to help, though, I understand where you're coming from.


        Hmm... that's interesting Marian! I haven't flown internationally for a while. I'm happy they have limited the size of carry-ons. I know it's a hassle to have to pay to check a bag, but people are always trying to bring GIANT bags onto the plane which means that space runs out for everyone. In the States, I always fly southwest airlines, which allows you to check two bags for free. So I never understand why people still insist on bringing a big roller-bag onto the plane.

        But you should be able to have a duffle-sized bag for above the seat, and a small bag that will fit under the seat in front of you. I always bring a bag like the one polkapiggy found. It serves as my purse and my laptop bag. You may find it's easier to just factor in the extra $15 or $20 to check your bag. It's a lot of money, but if you can get a good deal on the ticket, it may be worth the extra cost to be able to bring what you need on board.

        I always pack a snack, that could be enough to sustain me if I'm not able to get a meal. Usually, it's nuts, crackers, dried fruits, etc. And I always bring an empty water bottle to fill up once I get through security. I believe that most U.S./Canadian airlines will give you a free soft drink on the plane, but I like to have extra water just in case I get thirsty- the air on the plane is really dry.


          See, within the US it is 2 carry ons, the same with going from the US to Canada. However, going back to the US from Canada it's the restrictions from the link above. ^^;

          Okay. Thanks for the tip on the food. I've never flown internationally before. I hope that they give drinks on the flight (it will be 2 3 hour flights on the way there and one 6 hour flight on the way back) but I'll definitely try to pack extra snacks/drinks.


            You have to take your laptop out of its bag when going through security; that pretty much defeats the purpose of a non-descript laptop bag.


              Something else that's a really good tip is bring gum to chew when taking off and landing. I have horrible problems with my ears not popping and hurting and chewing gum helps - a lot of people say yawning as well but it just doesn't seem to work as well as chewing gum

              Theres my two bits!

              Oh and for nervousness for meeting for the first time - when I met my SO for the first time things were awkwardish for the first 15 mins, and then he just reached over and grabbed my hand saying "I'll take that, thank you very much." Which of course got us to laugh, and then relax As for our first (and my first!) kiss I pretty much talked all the way through it, so nothing you do could possibly be worse than that - promise! haha!! He literally had to stop kissing me, lean back, and tell me to shut up. And many years later - here we are! [I still have a bad habit of talking while he's kissing me....')]


                I'm sure you'll get the hang of planes soon!

                About the baggage thing, depending on the airline you choose you get different allowances. And you can check it in their site. If you are flying with 2 different airlines, but it's a connecting flight with them (meaning that you bought the ticket together) you can bring the bag allowance of the first airline, or the airline that issued the ticket. About transporting the bags, if you bought the ticket together they should transport it. But if you bought 2 separate tickets you know you have to pick it up, go outside and check in again with the new airline.

                About what to do when you arrive! We all get nervous about it. We discussed it on skype before, what should we do and PDA's but we decided that whatever it came it would happen. When we were there a big hug is what we did! It's beautiful to see them! It'll be ankward at the begging but then you'll remember that dearly!


                  Looks like I'm tardy to the party XD
                  I'll put in some advice on mine, anyway. Maybe it'll help?

                  I can't really offer that much about flying internationally, so I don't think I can offer much about baggage and stuff. [It seems like you have that covered anyway n.n] For the nervousness, Keeping yourself busy with music and reading helps, obviously. Also, if you have a friendly seatmate, you can try chatting it up with them if they look friendly/talk to you first. I've done that a few times on my flights to see Luke.

                  As for meeting someone for the first time, I can kind of help you there. For me and Luke, It was awkward for only an hour or so when we first met. After that, it felt like we were old friends just catching up. What we did for PDA at the airport -since it was our first time meeting- was basically do that little one arm hug thing and walk towards my car. I was a LOT more nervous than he was. I steered us into baggage claim when he had only a carry on item! XD I was very giggly too.
                  Just do what feels right for the both of you. Don't try to rush into anything big like kissing or anything. Once you get over that first awkward hour or so, things will go a lot smoother. <3


                    Originally posted by Marian View Post
                    And as far as things with meeting Alex at the airport go, he's not nervous about things (at least he says he's not) but I'm extremely nervous. I've played it over and over in my head, I know I'm supposed to go through security/customs, then go down an escalator (apparently) and he'll be in a waiting area at the bottom, but what's an appropriate way to greet him? A hug? Probably something more intimate than a handshake, but I'm nervous. ^^; And I've never kissed anyone before or anything like that so is it normal to be this nervous/jumpy about it?
                    When Andy and I met for the first time we were both really nervous so a few days before he came here we agreed that if the other trips over by accident then the other one will fall down too so we'd both be on the floor and making it less akward! It made us relax a bit more I think and when the bug day came we didn't fall down

                    Agree to do something funny maybe, something that'll break the ice and after that you'll be fine, you know Alex and he knows you so you have nothing to worry about. It's just gonna be a big shock to finally see the person standing in front of you after so much time talking online but it's definitely a good one!

