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Travelling Man

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    Travelling Man

    Does anyone have a SO who is gone for long periods of time travelling with their job which also adds to the distance? How do you cope with them being gone for such long periods of time?

    My SO is not gone for very long periods of time but he works as a pilot so he is usually gone about 4 days at a time, at least three times a month.. Which means he is usually gone at least 12 days a month, about half. What does your SO do for living?

    You can find more about my experiences here if you are interested: https://members.lovingfromadistance....-travels-a-lot


      My hope is that we will be able to "close the distance" here in the next six months, but it's likely he will be traveling for extended periods of time at least for the next few years. My hope is that having a home together will help us to move forward in our relationship, even if we'll still be long distance for awhile longer.


        My SO is gone half of the time because of his job. He has 5 weeks off and then he is gone for 5 weeks.
        I think it's really had, because we don't just have to deal with the physical distance, but distance overall. Since we do talk a little on his work shifts, but those are on a ship with bad internet connection and he work 12 hours a day so he's really tired and stressed and not really in the mood for long conversations. I've just learned to deal with it and get through those 5 weeks and then look forward to his shift is over... which also 80% of the time means we'll see each other in person.


          My SO is new (like 6 mos) but feels like its been years. We fell madly in love in the Caribbean on a cruise and it has been bliss ever since. I am Canadian and he is an American. I am a Nurse here in Canada and he is a Professional Golfer. I have a very hard time "entertaining myself" while he is away on tournaments due to a large amount of free time on my hands even without my 2 kids. This LDR thing has certainly brought about different feelings and thoughts within myself. I overthink EVERYTHING and doubt everything tremendously.....I hate being such a paranoid freak but I am madly in love with this amazing man and am NOT going to let the distance ruin anything!!


            I'd try to find a hobby. It sucks, but there's really not much you can do about it if it's his job. :[
            Maybe I'm meant for the sea. We pass it by so passively & all that's said is what we know;; We'll watch it come;; We'll watch it go..

