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    So I'm starting to get annoyed with his "busy" schedule. I sent him a bunch of sweet texts this morning and he couldn't respond because he was running around. Irritating! He doesn't have Internet yet either... I feel like I'm the only one trying here... He's called me and texted me, but it just doesn't feel like enough contact. I think I may need to have a talk with him. I know he's trying and that he cares, but I'm starting to feel a bit neglected here. It's not a good feeling when you send a sweet, heartfelt message only to get no response back... Grrr! I'm starting to wonder if this LDR thing is really a good idea after all...

    You might be falling for the age-old 'just a bit too much' trap. Try mentioning it to him, but make it a mutual adaption. Him a little bit more, you a bit less.


      Thanks for the advice. Either way, this feels like crap... The only way that he can show that he cares is by text, email, and phone calls. I''m not getting much of any of those things right now... It makes me feel unsure of his feelings and the idea of an LDR in general... Maybe I'm not cut out for this. I will talk to him. Hopefully he is sensitive to my needs and something changes...


        I think that you need to talk to him, and tell him exactly what you're feeing. See how he feels, and go from there. You may have to compromise a little on the amount of times you communicate, but at least you'll both be up front about your own personal needs. It seems like he needs less communication than you do, and he doesn't realize that you're looking for more. The only way to find is to talk to him about it.

        Also, don't forget about sending actual letters and cards. I realize that you two are separated by an ocean, but it is nice to receive and unexpected letter or card rather than e-mails, texts, and phone calls all the time. Keep in mind that the first part of an LDR is very difficult. I'm not trying to say it will become easy, but you'll definitely figure out how to work with it instead of against it.


          I have been him for the past few days, yesterday I got a text mesage from Matias and realized I didn´t answer back until this morning when I checked my email and he was asking if I got it! I understand being busy, he probably feels as bad as I do for not having the much time for you he wants
          Enamorada de ti!!


            Is LDR new to him? Some people need a period to adjust or even have their eyes opened a bit that LDR isn't the same as CDR. In a CDR, it's not that unusual to not text or call each other so much because you figure you'll see each other later or make plans. But in LDR it's almost a necessity. Maybe when you talk to him try to find a balance? Some guys feel a bit suffocated and restricted with all the attention (I don't really get it tho :/). And obviously you're feeling upset by the lack of it. Don't give up just yet ^^


              Well, he broke up with me this morning by email... How awful... I guess I did suffocate him. Why is this happening to me? I meet a wonderful, caring man, and he leaves to a different country. Why does it have to be so hard? Should I try to work it out with him or should I just accept that it's over? I thought that what we had was really special... I guess I scared him off for good...

