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We're making progress!

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    We're making progress!

    Just wanted to share our happy news that our NOA-2 or, Petition for Alien Fiance was approved yesterday! Now the case will go to Canada for Rane to have his medical and interview... but the longest part of the wait is done, and this is really good news. Things are said to really speed up now. We really should be married by summer!

    Thats so great! How long did it take for it to be approved on your end and ready to send off for his interview and all? Just curious because this might be the option my boyfriend and I go with. Thanks


      Erm, I filed the first paperwork January 8th, 2010. The NOA-1 came 1.11.10. NOA-2 came 3.4.10 (WAY FASTER THAN EXPECTED O_O). So 52 days from them accepting the petition and cashing my check, to approval. We were expecting five months. It's tedious, expensive, but it's also easy enough if you pay close attention, and you absolutely don't need an attorney for anything but a very complex case. GL if you go this way. It's not bad!

      I definitely needed some good news today. I got home from work and found my kitty had passed away in the hallway. Totally unexpected.


        *comfort hugs* I'm sorry about your kitty, but congrats on the progress, it's inspiring to hear
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          So sorry to hear about your kitty! That is so sad

          But I am very happy to hear that your visa process is going smoothly!!!


            I'm really sorry to hear about your kitty but I'm so happy to hear that things are going so smoothly with your visa progress!


              YAY!!! I bet everything will go well!


                Yey! Happy for you and chase! Sorry to hear about your cat tho


                  Sorry to hear about your kitty

                  That's awesome it's been approved! It's a bit weird of me to say, but I'm kinda comforted that it wasn't a very long stressful process for you guys. That's one of my worries that if Ray and I were to get married that it would be a long difficult road. But that's waaaaaay in the future hehe I'm glad things are working out


                    Awwww I'm sorry about your cat

                    Good news about the visa, one step closer to getting married, yay!


                      I'm happy about the visa thing!!!!! I hope you can have a beautiful wedding! And I'm sorry about your kitty.

