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What the hell is wrong with me????

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    What the hell is wrong with me????

    Lately I seem to wake up missing her and depressed, i always miss her anyway but lately its gotton to the point where i feel like a needy whiny bitch, she has her mom over there visiting her which is fine hell i knew about that before i left Scotland and i've known for awhile, and we both admit were spoiled and normally she texts me on facebook all day, her mom is over there and it takes her awhile to actually respond to me sometimes, which i understand but at the same time im not liking too much at all, and because i feel like the way im feeling lately i just need her really bad but at the same time her mom is over and i dont want her to split her focus because i know her mom is there but at the same time i cant help but feel a tiny bit ignored. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me i mean hell in a few months i'll be going to see her for 6 months, a few months after that were getting married, and sometime next year we'll be closing the distance by me moving over there, why am i feeling so lonely for the past couple of days knowing all this???? i dont get it at all!!!!

    It sounds like you're focusing a lot on her and your relationship. How much "me" time have you had? Take a day off - read, meditate, walks... stuff that makes you feel content.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      i have nothing but me time......always doing something to occupy my time or at least try to.....

