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I'm getting really scared...

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    I'm getting really scared...

    Well last Sunday my SO and I've gotten in a really big fight in which we "almost" ended out 2 year relationship. Since then communication with him has been VERY limited, part of it may be by choice or because this is his first week of Tech school and he's busy. Whenever I did talk to him (an accumulative of 10 min on the phone and 3-5 txts) he seemed pretty ok. He still says I love you, (but I fear with less enthusiasm than previously) but I just havent been able to actually to just have a GOOD conversation since... and I'm scared

    I Know during tht argument he was VERY skeptical of an LDR and that he didnt think we'd be able to work it out. We ended the conversation very abruptly and on a bad note. When he called me a few days later he said he didnt want to talk about it. So our conversation went ok, a few minor laughs but nothing enough to reassure me.

    So I haven't spoken with him since Tues. but aparently since its a weekend he should be able to have some freetime (which hopefully he can call me with) But I've been in and out of some semi-serious sickness (doctors dont know) and I know that the stress with this is only aggravating it and then I feel as if this worry is constantly on my mind... I dont know if he's distancing himself or if he's just getting himself adjusted... I feel as if I'm losing him :'(

    I know he's in love with me, no doubt in my mind. But I feel as if this situation is straining him out...

    I suggest maybe wait a day or two before talking to him so you both can get your heads straight - don't jump into conclusions until you've spoken with him seriously. Tell him in a text or in an email that you need to have a serious talk about this and ask him when he'll have the time to do it.
    If he can't do it right away then wait until he can and in the meanwhile think about what you wanna say or ask him. When you do talk to him, do NOT accuse him of not making enough effort or anything like that because that way he might just get defensive and you'll end up having a fight.


      Well I talked to him earlier for 30 minates or so, our conversation flowed pretty nicely. We didnt talk about it because of the way of how apparent he wanted the conversation to be enjoyable. Thats the way he is, when he wants to get over a situation he wont talk about it till its all over in his mind. So this does mean that he wants it to work out even if it is unsure


        I hope soon you can talk about the matter, is not good to put the problems under the rug!

