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What do you do to get ready?

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    What do you do to get ready?

    What do you all do to get ready for when your SO comes for a visit? Do you frantically clean everything, excited and full of energy, or are you more laid back and mellow, not worrying about anything? How do you handle the last few days before your SO comes to visit?

    I find I have way too much energy before Brandon comes to visit, but I can't concentrate on much of anything. I usually clean for a few days before he comes, and watch a ton of movies. I get so nervous that I have to make sure everything is perfect before he arrives!!

    Wish I could give you an answer /: Gotta wait for that type of thing to happen, lol


      I would change the sheets, make the bed. Get rid of all the evidence I'm a super slob (pop cans around the computer desk and that sort of thing), and try to lose myself in WoW to pass the time. I hated the week before a visit!


        the week before she came over, i cleaned my house from top to bottom until you could practically eat off my floor lol i even cleaned the microwave.


          Hmm...I am usually focused on me looking my best. Example, I am two weeks overdue for getting my nails done, so I can do it next week so they are fresh and pretty. I'll get my brows waxed at the same time.

          I did buy a new dress for dinner for dad; contemplated new heels but the ones I have are in good shape. Oh and an appointment to get my hair done next week too!

          If he ever does come this way, then I'd have to clean my house to have the house cleaner come in to clean my house!

          When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

          True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

          When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

          1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


            He doesn't come to my city, but when I saw him last time, I woke up with the freaking sun, showered for like 2 hours, took another 2 hours to do my hair and makeup, packed for like a week before I left, OMG. It was insane. This time, I may be a little more less nervous [that was our first meeting,] but because I'm a total weirdo, I have to look better than I did last time. So I have to wear another dress. To Illinois. When it's cold. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't dumb. Lol.


              I get too excited I can't do anything. XD We clean the house and prepare stuff for him a few days before he arrives, that's it, I think. I get more excited as the the day to pick him up from the airport gets closer. I have so much energy I walk around the house aimlessly!
              "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
              a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
              which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
              - Rainer Maria Rilke

              "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
              regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
              The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
              - an ancient Chinese belief


                I usually get my hair colored, eyebrows waxed, and any other lady business I have to tend to. He has only came to visit me 2x, but I always made sure the house was tidy ,the sheets were washed, and there was enough food to eat. I'm not really a neat freak, so I don't really go insane with cleaning.


                  Clean (as much as possible), try to put some order into my usual mess (he is a million times more tidy than I am), stock the fridge, wax and shave all that needs waxing and shaving, change the bed sheets, do my makeup...


                    Originally posted by heatherotic View Post
                    He doesn't come to my city, but when I saw him last time, I woke up with the freaking sun, showered for like 2 hours, took another 2 hours to do my hair and makeup, packed for like a week before I left, OMG. It was insane. This time, I may be a little more less nervous [that was our first meeting,] but because I'm a total weirdo, I have to look better than I did last time. So I have to wear another dress. To Illinois. When it's cold. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't dumb. Lol.
                    Solution: thermal pantyhose. I kid you not. They saved me on our anniversary, when I wore a dress on a SNOWY day.


                      Clean, stock up on Gatorade, Vitamin Water and coffee because that is all he drinks And then clean some more. Get girly to an extent - I don't wear a lot of make up on a regular basis so I'll put on a little extra for the first sight of each other after an absence. Check his flight status a million times to make sure he's off and on his way.


                        I'd probably be insane. Clean everything.. Get my Hair done, Nails done, New clothes, new underwear, new perfume, whiten teeth. WAX EVERYTHING! Brazilian OUCH. Eyebrows threaded.. I'd probably dodge into the bathroom at the airport, and gussy up some more ... Pop a mint... Then walk around nervously till i see him.

                        ;-; I can so see this all happening in July when he comes.


                          Every time I see my SO I always go shopping right before he gets here I don't know why. lol


                            I get super energetic and tidy everything, make sure I look semi-decent and shave my legs properly! It's not hat big of a deal since we were friends for a couple of years, and he knew me when I was a total slob in the dorms...but...still.. I'd like to help him erase those memories of the week I didn't shower...haha


                              Get a pedicure and shave my legs. That's about it :P I usually intend to clean, but never get very far with it. Oh well, he already knows I'm a slob :P

