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Someone to talk to!

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    Someone to talk to!

    Okay, so I live a life where I don't have too many close friends. I have friends that I hang out with in and out of school, but they aren't the kind I can spill my guts to. I have one friend in Maine (Family moved to Michigan so I can't see him anymore) who I text and talk to a lot, especially during fights with my SO.

    There have been times where we'd be fighting, but my friend, Aaron, wasn't available. It was the worst feeling ever to sit alone in the dark having no one I can really talk to. I'd never want anyone to have to go through anything like that.

    So I wanna give everyone my cell phone number just in case they ever need someone, like I did. You can let me know who you are on here, or you can keep it anonymous. You can text me if you need me, or if you simply wanna talk and get to know me. I have unlimited texting so you never need to worry about costing me money or anything silly like that. Only cost to me will be my time, and I'm more than happy to give time for someone in need .

    ***The only restriction is you MUST be within the United States...otherwise it costs a ridiculous amount of money per text and seeing as how it's not my bill (it's my parent's), I can't have that. They've already bitched at me once for that

    The long awaited number *drum roll* 1-517-610-4023

    Cheers everyone!!(:

    I was all like SWEET then I saw US only and I was like *tears* :'(


      I'm sorry!! You can email me anytime if you'd like! (:


        I'm going to sound like a granny here, but you're pretty daft putting your phone number online like that where anyone can see it. Just sayin'.
        Still a sweet jesture. If I wasn't stuck in Canada, I'd take the offer.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          You may want to just offer your number via PM... putting it up on the internet, on a public forum, may not be for the best...
          I think it's really cool of you to offer, but just for your own safety and such, you know?


            I get what you're saying, but I trust too easily. I'll learn one day =p


              i think that was very sweet of you to offer. you seem like a very caring person.


                I'm kinda feeling the same way. I have a couple quality friends that I can tell anything to and more people to hang out but lately I've lost some friends who I thought were good but weren't really good friends in the end. It would also be nice making a new friend that also knows what it's like to be in a LDR. So I'll send ya a text if you don't mind?? I also have unlimited texting fyi.


                  That's sweet, but too risky. Feel free to find my link in the Facebook thread and add me, though


                    Thats really nice of you and you seem to be a kind and caring person.
                    But unfortunatlly im living in Europe so that wouldnt work.

                    Be careful with your phone number. Not everyone is having "good intentions" in mind like you, there are a lot of freaks on the internet. Be careful

                    But im sure everyone is happy to get a nice PM when you feel like talking to someone.


                      I agree that you shouldn't put your number in a public place, but on the other hand it's a cell phone number... It's not like it's your home one. But more it would suck if you started to get telemarketers. I've seen some bots around on the forum, so it's possible for them to pick up a phone number too. (Yeah, I've had some text/call my cell at time :/ )

                      But I think that's cool of you to offer up a listening ear like that. I feel like LFAD itself has been wonderful when I need to get something out or talk. Sure it's not always instant, but always helpful. ^^


                        In most cases I probably wouldn't throw it around like that, but my rationale is this: even if I get hit by telemarketers or anything else bad happen, if I helped even one person...then it's worth it. I know most people wouldn't do this, but I'm not most people


                          Originally posted by Jrapp View Post
                          In most cases I probably wouldn't throw it around like that, but my rationale is this: even if I get hit by telemarketers or anything else bad happen, if I helped even one person...then it's worth it. I know most people wouldn't do this, but I'm not most people
                          But what if someone who needed help was trying to call or talk, except you were getting spammed with telemarketers? :P I think it's a nice gesture either way, just not many people realize spammers attack cell phone numbers too and they're hard to get rid of lol

                          Skype might be a good option though. Lots of people on here use it and just offering that up could be cool. You can add your number there, so people that add you would have it and you'd know they were from here. And that has the added bonus that people out of the US could contact you on Skype too. I dunno if you have a headset or not, but the quality is pretty good. Just as good (or better) that a phone.


                            Yeah I have skype with my cam/mic that I bought for chatting with Brianna. My skype name is cantwaittobewithyou anyone can feel free to add me there.

                            *Notice: My phone fell out of my hoodie pocket into the toilet today. I most likely lost every single saved message from Brianna (hundreds) and there are some pictures that I hadn't transferred to my laptop yet. So I won't be able to answer any texts. Also, sorry I seem mean right now. I'm just so stressed and upset about this and the fighting with my SO. So yeah, that's about it


                              Well immediately take it apart put in front of a fan or hair dryer with cool a bag of rice too ive done this so many times its ridiculous. Take the memory card out ASAP and hopefully you can still get the stuff off. They might be able to get some stuff off of it. I'm sorry that happened to you though. Its a sweet gesture but perhaps you should remove your number and have folks message you if they wanna text that way its a bit safer. Just a suggestion :-)

