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    my SO is in afghanistan. i miss him like crazy. lately, i have been getting so sad when i think about him being away. im not sure why. i miss him all the time, which is the usual. he will be home in june, im lucky, but it seems like time is dragging by. what can i do to help distract myself? im already pretty busy, i work a full-time job. im a senior in high school about to graduate. i volunteer at a local hospital. does anyone else have the problem of being busy but yet not being able to distract yourself?
    also, there has been so much going on in my life currently. i get so sad when i think about it because i want to share it all with my SO. i tell him about everything but i wish he was here for everything. im being bratty and i should count my blessings but i just feel so down at the moment. it feel like times are hard. he is amazing and we handle the distance great as a couple. everything between me and him is great. we arent fighting or anything but i feel like i wanna cry. is this normal? im sorry for being such a downer guys. any advice would be greatly appericated.

    It sounds like what you need is a way to turn your down thoughts into happier thoughts or ways to talk to your SO - you're missing the communication. Why don't you write him 1-2 times a week, either an email or letter, whichever he can get? Take all of those things you want to tell him, and tell him! It'll help you feel better to talk to him, and to let all of that pent-up stuff inside out.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      I agreed with the post above, I have done that several time when I feel that I missed her very much and I understand very much how the feeling is very overwhelming! I would also recommend to read over past emails, text messages, or anything that he has send you before. Maybe he has send you some ecard, wrote some poem for you, or give you some gifts. Think about the happy time when you are together. I made this video for my girlfriend and every time when I feel that I miss her, I rewatch it again and again. It make me feel better until the time I get to see her or talk to her again.
      Jessica loves Hoa
      Connection Case Manager
      Pre-med Student
      Public Relation, Vietnam Health Clinic


        Have you thought about taking up yoga or something like that? One of the goals is to clear your mind of thoughts, and it often works for me. And yes, everything you're feeling is completely normal. Being in an LDR is often hard for me as I over think everything. I feel like he is constantly on my mind and I'm upset even if nothing is wrong with the relationship. I can't imagine how much harder it must be for you as you probably don't get to talk to him often.

