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A big decision… or a wrong one?

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    A big decision… or a wrong one?

    I’ve been debating on whether to write this or not, even though this is one of those “only yourself can decide” kind of things, I would really like to hear people’s opinion. I feel I can't tell my friends about this... so yeah I guess I search for people to discuss this with.

    Sorry it's a bit long...

    Background information:
    I’m 21 years old and have been dating my SO for 11 months. We see each other pretty regularly, even though I’m from Denmark and he’s from Japan. My SO works for 5 weeks on a ship and then has 5 weeks off – in theory. Since Japan doesn’t really have respect for people’s life, they often change his work schedule without a warning or give him work training in the middle of his vacation and then they require him to back in Japan at least one week before his work shift starts. This has given us plenty of problems, since it sometimes keeps him from visiting me - 7-9 days is not optimal when a ticket costs between 1000-1800 USD. I’m a university student, so I can’t leave when I please, but lately I’ve been the one to go to Japan (with him paying my ticket), but it requires planning and extra study. So…

    Main point:
    In January my SO and I had an argument about these things, which apparently made him spend his night thinking and in the morning he said: “What if we got married?” I thought it was a joke at first, but turned out he was serious. If we got married, his work company would recognize us as an actual “couple”, which means he would be allowed to change his address to my apartment. He would still work in Japan, but the company will cover his flight expenses, so he could visit me, even just for a week. And the “get back a week before work” rule would also go away. [The company have told him this, as weird as it may sound. They also have another employer living in the UK, who's married and gets his fare paid.]

    I’ve spent many days thinking about this, since my main worry is that we haven’t dated long enough. I’ve looked at this very logically, since I’m not a person who just “does things” and gets “swept off my feet”. I’m a very practical person and have wagered the pros and cons. We’ve decided to start the official paper work since it requires a lot of time and our plan is to sign the marriage papers in April if we want to go through with this.

    Maybe I was hoping that some of you, who have been married before, could suggest some things you find important to consider. (Maybe even something you wish you had known).
    Of course all opinions are welcome. Like, if you aren't/haven't been married, then what would you consider before doing it?

    I honestly would do it! It sounds absolutely amazing! I've been with my SO for 6 months and if she begged to get married tomorrow, I wouldn't have any objections. I know she's the one I could spend the rest of my life with, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with!

    Also, my SO's parents had only been together 6 months before they got engaged and started planning their wedding. That was many years ago and they are still happily married! So it can definitely work out.

    The best thing I can say is to ask yourself these types of questions, "Is this man who/what I really want?" "Would I be happy waking up and going to bed every day with him?" "Does he make me truly, truly happy?". I'm assuming they are all yes ;p. But that's just my two cents, the choice is as you said, up to you(:


      hmmm....i would wait at least a year before even considering that, i mean i know you guys wanna see each other alot and be together but thats a pretty big decision and when he suggested that it kinda sounds like its a fear response a little bit, if this were me i would wait to at least be dating a year and half or really sit down and think about it before anybody makes any rash decisions, think is this truly the right time for this or can i wait when the timing is more right?


        Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
        hmmm....i would wait at least a year before even considering that, i mean i know you guys wanna see each other alot and be together but thats a pretty big decision and when he suggested that it kinda sounds like its a fear response a little bit, if this were me i would wait to at least be dating a year and half or really sit down and think about it before anybody makes any rash decisions, think is this truly the right time for this or can i wait when the timing is more right?
        Forgot to add that we have been "engaged" since November, so wasn't a "out of the blue" kind of comment he made, or a fear response. Only thing is that we didn't plan to get married before another 1-2 years.
        But, definitely understand what you're saying. I, myself would have preferred to have been dating at least 2 years or something. Which is why I have a lot of thinking to do.


          Originally posted by milaya View Post
          We’ve decided to start the official paper work since it requires a lot of time and our plan is to sign the marriage papers in April if we want to go through with this.
          So you can fill out all the paperwork and by the time it's ready to be filed or finalized, if you change your minds, there are no legal consequences?
          I would consider it a trial period. See how things go from now till April and if they're what you expect or better, I would go for it if you were where you wanted to be, and, of course, like Jrapp said, if he's the one you want to spend your life with.


            Originally posted by heatherotic View Post
            So you can fill out all the paperwork and by the time it's ready to be filed or finalized, if you change your minds, there are no legal consequences?
            It's more "applying" for a lot of papers. Since it's an international marriage. I have to request papers here in Denmark, which has to be translated into Japanese and then approved at the Japanese embassy and then bring them with me to Japan. Those have no legal consequences, except that they expire within 4 months. The legal consequence is the final marriage paper we are to sign at the Japanese city hall.


              Originally posted by milaya View Post
              Forgot to add that we have been "engaged" since November, so wasn't a "out of the blue" kind of comment he made, or a fear response. Only thing is that we didn't plan to get married before another 1-2 years.
              But, definitely understand what you're saying. I, myself would have preferred to have been dating at least 2 years or something. Which is why I have a lot of thinking to do.
              oh alrighty! well if you feel you should do that and have wanted to do that then why not wait that long, i mean it very well could be the right time but at the same time it might not be, i would defiantly listen to your heart with this first see what that says and go from there


                I'm one of those formally married people When I got married the first time, I was 21 and what I can tell you is than in the next 10 years, your going to do an immense amount of growing. Sometimes a marriage can sustain that and sometimes it can't, and that's something you'd be taking a chance on. You sound like a person who tends to be more logical than fairy-tale romantic, so you might be OK, you've thought of this beyond the whole romantic notions of a wedding. If you're the type who is 100% sure they could never be divorced, I'd advise you NOT to do this! You are young, you haven't started your career yet, and you need your own time to become established.

                I think, if you're engaged anyway, maybe start the process carefully. 11 months isn't a long time to be with someone, so I'd stretch out the process as much as possible. Marriage isn't easy, and can get harder as the years go by, you have to ask yourself if the amount of experience and freedom you've had by now is really enough for you to be satisfied with forever. Once married, any big decisions are joint ones, and they don't always go your way!

                I guess what I'm saying is make sure you're ready. If you aren't sure, then wait, unless you're OK with the possibility of divorce somewhere down the road. Your 20's are a time of great growth and you only get your 20's once, there's no going back. Of course that growth might be even better for you married, who knows? Some people really flourish in marriage. Just be smart and only do it if, after a good deal of thought, it's the right thing for YOU.
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  I haven't been married before but I've thought about it. I kind of don't mind going into things more quickly. I like things to make sense but I'd get married after 11 months ^^; I think it depends on your feelings and ask yourself the question of do you want to spend the rest of your life with this man? If the answer is yes, I say go for it.


                    I've been married before, and here's my thought: it's easy to change "no" or "wait" to a "yes", but very hard to change a "yes" to a "no". I wouldn't recommend anyone get married before they've had 2 years to date, whether long or short distance. There are many things that can't be learned about your partner without the presence of time. I know it's hard, but I would wait until at least a full year of dating has passed, and then revisit whether you really want to do the paperwork that way, taking into account if it's going to lead to what you both want for your relationship.

                    A few things to consider, no matter what decision you make:

                    1) If you do this, how long will you continue to be a LD couple? Can you handle being an LD husband and wife? What will end it, and can you both agree on an end date that makes you both happy?
                    2) If you decide to file the papers, will it make you happy and give you what you really want in the relationship, or is it just another thing so you can spend time together?
                    3) What happens in the worst case scenario and you break up? Would divorce be handled equitably in your country (since that would be your residence)?
                    4) Have all the important areas of discussion before marriage been covered - morals, children, money and how to handle it, where you want to end up, etc. Here's some more questions listed out in case they haven't been discussed.

                    If you have even the slightest hesitancy because of your dating time as you mentioned - then wait.

                    In the end, however, as long as you make sure you're happy and you're confident that you made the best decision for you, then feel good knowing you made that decision given the information at hand.

                    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                      Originally posted by Moon View Post
                      I'm one of those formally married people When I got married the first time, I was 21 and what I can tell you is than in the next 10 years, your going to do an immense amount of growing. Sometimes a marriage can sustain that and sometimes it can't, and that's something you'd be taking a chance on. You sound like a person who tends to be more logical than fairy-tale romantic, so you might be OK, you've thought of this beyond the whole romantic notions of a wedding. If you're the type who is 100% sure they could never be divorced, I'd advise you NOT to do this! You are young, you haven't started your career yet, and you need your own time to become established.
                      Thank you for great input and for pointing out the fact that I am indeed a more logical person and don't think I have a romantic bone in my entire body. Which is probably why I'm more compatible with a Japanese guy, than an European. XD I've actually never given marriage a thought nor do I have any fairytale visions about it, which is why I of course is hesitant. I definitely do not think that this marriage will be 100% divorce free, which is why I've even given the "divorce situation" a lot of thought. Like would I stay in Japan or go back, what procedure is needed etc.

                      You've given me a lot of points to consider, thank you.


                        I haven't been married before, but I will tell you this- if you love him, want to marry him soon, and have no reservations then marry him, but if the main reason the two of you are getting married so soon is as a way of solving this problem then that isn't the right answer.

                        I think the way a couple handles their problems says a lot about them and about their future. Being apart isn't the only problem that will arise in your lifetime together. There are going to be numerous other obstacles that you will face that often it will be out of your control to fix. It's the way you handle these obstacles that define who you are as a couple. I'm not saying the two of you aren't handling your problems well, but it sounds like the idea of getting married so soon was just a direct response to an argument the two of you had.

                        The amount of time the two of you have been together is also worrisome, honestly. Personally, I wouldn't marry someone I hadn't known for at least, two plus years and really I would like to have known the person for closer to three years. One thing I know about being in a relationship is often the first year of the relationship is great, but that's because the couple doesn't know each other that well yet and haven't had too much time to face obstacles in the relationship.

                        Ultimately, do what you know is right for you.


                          Thank you to everyone who has replied so far, your opinions are valued.

                          Silviar: Thank you as well. I've set up some very good points. I/we have thought of those, though. And actually feels like we do nothing, but discuss those points lately.
                          1) We'll end our LDR when I graduate university, which will be around 3 years.
                          2) This is a point I really need to think more about, since if it wasn't for the pressure from his company, we wouldn't consider marriage, yet.
                          3) I have tried to look into divorce procedure.
                          4) We have discussed those things from quite early on. Especially, children/family life, money, living place, future dreams/possibilities for us both, jobs etc. I do feel like we do agree on everything when it comes to that.

                          Though there's a lot left to consider. Thank you for your advice. It's very appreciated.


                            I did not read all the comments. I have never been married or engaged, but I do not think I would want to date more than two years before getting married. Two years would be a top for me. I just do not want to waste my time with someone who may not like the idea of marriage or is with me out of convenience.
                            1-1.5 years in my opinion should be enough to be able to see if this person is the person you want to spend your life with.
                            I think 11 months is enough to see especially because you guys see each other pretty regularly. Paperwork like you said will take a while. so that will give you even more time to just be together without being married. International marriages are not easy in terms of bureaucracy. If he is the one for you I think you already know. And if you already know then do not doubt. Yes it is a hassle to have to pay so much $ to just see someone for a few days. It is amazing that he can even do that. I am jealous of you guys. I say if you love him and he loves you, if you already know that he is the one for you and that you want your children to look like him - then go for it.


                              Originally posted by milaya View Post
                              Thank you to everyone who has replied so far, your opinions are valued.

                              Silviar: Thank you as well. I've set up some very good points. I/we have thought of those, though. And actually feels like we do nothing, but discuss those points lately.
                              1) We'll end our LDR when I graduate university, which will be around 3 years.
                              2) This is a point I really need to think more about, since if it wasn't for the pressure from his company, we wouldn't consider marriage, yet.
                              3) I have tried to look into divorce procedure.
                              4) We have discussed those things from quite early on. Especially, children/family life, money, living place, future dreams/possibilities for us both, jobs etc. I do feel like we do agree on everything when it comes to that.

                              Though there's a lot left to consider. Thank you for your advice. It's very appreciated.
                              Aww, you didn't have to answer me, hehe, it was for you to consider. You know we have your best interests at heart. <3

                              LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

