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playful insults

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    playful insults

    today was insult saturday for me and the fiance. it started out as me calling him a douch twinkie and morphed into douch tard, and fuckhead. in return i became bitch tits, pussy breath and headfuck. it was alot of fun seeing as we were both laughing the whole time.

    anyone else insult each other and laugh about it for hours on end? for me i think its a huge part of what makes us work. we both laugh about things that others would take seriously.

    We do this but to a lesser degree. Obi hates to hear me swear so I try to keep it to a minimum, but we do insult each other and pretend to be offended, and we think we're hilarious We stick to tame insults, mostly cultural insults or we'll call each other fat.
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Everybody does it to some degree, I'm sure. It's part of caring about each other, no matter how paradoxical that seems.

      Btw, there's actually a group on Facebook called: I only insult you because I care


        I disagree that everyone does it... depends on the personalities of the people in the relationship. It would not be a good thing for either Rane or I to try something like this, it would not be appreciated on either end. I DO do this with friends though. :P


          Warning: We're jerks :'D

          It's how we show our love. Usually I'll end up calling him a hoe, whore, skank, bitch, mother fucker, a liberal (he actually is a liberal though :'P). Uh...dammit I forgot a few. I'll jokingly threaten to leave him when he does something like tell me when he poops D:<! I'll demand a divorce (even though we're not legally married) when he doesn't let me do something completely unreasonable like burn something down. If he shows any pregnancy symptoms I'll either accuse him on cheating on me with one of his guy friends, ask him if it's mine (it's always no :P), or just try to give him an abortion while having an allergic reaction to latex gloves XP. There's other stuff, but it's worse than this stuff and might get me into therapy again ;_;. No seriously, my sense of humor got me into therapy once O_o.

          His favorite "insult" for me is stupid bitch or damn Mexican. Before you ask, he's a Mexican too. He's accused me of being a Republican. I'm a Conservative, but I haven't sold my soul to the devil D:<! (I hate democrats the same :'D) I know, Conservative making abortion jokes ;D. I'm pro-choice. Loooooong ass story. Anyway, if I joke about him knocking me up or ask him about a possibility he'll threaten to "abortion punch" me. Um...he threatens to butt-rape me, and goes through with it xD. It's ok, it's consensual :'D. I can't remember what else, but we're always "fighting". If we weren't laughing or sounding like we were about to people would think we were actually fighting. Then there's all the "you're useless" jokes that I just remembered. He makes a few cripple jokes here or there since I'm handicap. He knows I'm still trying to cope with it so he's light on them for now.

          There's more, but I can't recall them all or they'll make people question shit XP. Only people that have known me for years don't flinch at my jokes. I don't know why, I never use a serious voice! D: Oh well, enjoy or fear our love :'D


            we pick back and forth, but it's on a lesser scale. I call him a nub, and then he'll call me queen nub. He'll say something totally innocent like the bed is so noisy and i'll be like "ouch keep calling me fat!" but we laugh a lot, and I think thats what makes us work. We have a lot of happy tears. Earlier we were laughing so hard we were both crying!


              Lol, this is funny. We don't insult each other, but sometimes do pranks!


                I always tell mine I'm going to baby-trap him into staying with me. He respondes by telling me he'll throw me down the stairs. Oh such loving, gentle, pillow talk


                  Yeah we do that too, I'm not gonna go through our list of insults cause it would take all night lol (and we always try to come up with more creative names so it's constantly growing ) but it is funny

