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new work schedule = SO more busy

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    new work schedule = SO more busy

    My SO just informed me that her schedule will change and this will take away another 2 days of our web cam and that is a total of 4 days now. Granted we get to talk on the phone later, if I am still up when she calls. Our talk time has been cut off to just 2 per day (used to be 3 or 4 times) and I am trying very hard to cope with the changes. But it is still very hard! I want to see her face on web cam everyday. How do you cope with changes and cope with talking to your SO less than before?
    Jessica loves Hoa
    Connection Case Manager
    Pre-med Student
    Public Relation, Vietnam Health Clinic

    It's very hard when you're used to a certain 'schedule' or amount and out of the blue it gets taken away or shortened. I know when my SO began working more and more and our time was getting cut shorter and shorter I went through a sort of withdrawal of his presence. Right now the news is fresh, the change is fresh, you haven't had time to let it sink in or adjust yourself accordingly. I'm not saying it gets easier once you are used to it, but you learn ways to cope and accept that some things can't be changed just because you want them to. If she's become more busy, take time out for yourself. If it's messing with your schedule, there's always time to tweak it here and there to adjust accordingly, if you can, so that it's not as difficult and you're meeting in the middle. Just remember that it's better to have a little than none.


      That's definitely tough when you finally got use to a schedule, and then all of a sudden it changes on you, and on top of that it's less time talking to her. The only thing to do is to just get use to it! It's hard for me now also talking to my SO less because of school, and just on being on different schedules, it's really difficult, but I just try and keep my head held high, and try to do something to keep me busy. Good luck!


        Since we have been dating, my SO and I have gone through a lot of scheduling changes. He's had three different jobs since we've been together and I've gone from high school, to full time work, to college, to a full time and part time job, to college and two part time jobs. Every time one or our schedules changes we have to adapt to a new system of when we get to talk to one another. We talk significantly less than we used to. When we first started dating it was video chat, and phone calls every night plus texting all day every day. Now, we never talk online, we never video chat, we talk on the phone about once or twice a week, and we text as much as we can (which isn't a lot). It is really hard, and we had a hard time adjusting, but now we're stronger than ever and getting to speak with one another is that much more special, because it doesn't happen all the time.

        I know it's hard, but it is just one of those things that is going to take time. You'll get used to it and you might find other pockets in your day when you can talk to one another. I hope everything works out.


          I know that battle is rough. During the winter and really cold months SO and I got to talk more, and now that it is getting warmer his hours at work are increasing and we get to talk less.

          Take time out for yourself. Busy yourself doing something you enjoy; maybe there is a hobby or activity that you did before you and SO got together that you enjoyed. Start doing it again.
          Does she have a cellphone? Talk on her breaks at work. I know you may not be able to see her face, but even talking can help. (My SO and I don't webcam or Skype, but when we talk I look at a picture of him or hold my "prince puppy" that smells like him and it really helps).
          Look at a picture.
          When you really want to be able to talk to her and you can't write her a letter. I know there are times where I can't talk to him, but I can write him a little card and it really helps.

          I know its hard, but it will get easier. And as I always say distance makes the heart grow fonder. The times you will get to talk will be so much more special!


            Yea, I can definitely relate to this being hard. My SO and I are 16 hrs apart. When I'm waking up he's going to sleep, and when he's waking up I'm at school and often in class. We only have a short window a couple days a week to talk to each other, and sometimes that also gets easily filled. I've been having a hard time adjusting, but I just take steps everyday to remind myself that it is completely illogical for our relationship, which has been growing everyday(even through hurdles like breaking up and getting back together), to fall apart the next day. We do what we can, and remind ourselves that this makes us all the stronger as people and as a couple for it.

