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Does anyone else go through this?

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    Does anyone else go through this?

    Ok, so ive been in an LDR for 6months but Ive been with my BF for 1 year and 8 months. I heard that if you were in a Close distance relationship then it turned into an LDR it will be rougher. I believe it.

    Im always sad, if Im not sad then I am just missing my bf. I associate so many things with my boyfriend, I act like he is dead or something. The sun makes me feel sad because last summer and the summer before we were together almost every day and this will be the first summer that it wont be like that.

    When I get stressed out or worry I wanna turn to my bf toc omfort me, and he tries over the phone but it sucks.

    Lately, Ive been thinking...maybe I should break up with him and try to find someone in Columbus. But Ive been off the market for almost 2 years that i dont even know if I would bring myself to meet another guy. Its so complicated...

    I think that if you are feeling this, you should not NOT break up with your boyfriend because you do not think you will be able to find someone else. That is not being fair to your current boyfriend. You should stay with him because you love him and want to spend your life with him, not because you just want to have a boyfriend. Yes, it might take you a while longer to find another relationship, but instead you could concentrate on making yourself happy first.

    Only you will be able to know what is right for you, but you will have to weigh the pros and cons.


      I completely agree with Bluestars on this one.
      Staying with your boyfriend just because you are afraid to be single is not a good option. Ultimately you will make yourself very unhappy and probably hurt him very much.
      You need to do things for yourself, following your heart. You need to be with him because you love him.


        I was with my bf in a CDR for a year and 8 months before he went off into the AF, and in that time we were with each other DAILY. So then he went off and completely vanished for 2 months (Im talking only a letter from him during tht entire time). I think the transition for people like us is more difficult just because they were never used to having constant interaction (on tht level) and when we're suddenly cut off from it we freak
        Now i think something you may want to think about is what exactly you're having a problem with, is it your relationsip? Or the situation that your relationship is in? Because that makes a way bigger difference. If its the first one than it would be alot easier to end it. However if it's the second, is it only a temporary situation in which it would be solved in a relatively decent amount of time? Do you tend to fight things? Or do you prefer to just pick an easier route? Either way, what is going to make you happy? If you bf makes u happy, but the situation doesnt, which is more overwhelming?
        Dont do anything without alot of thinking, in an LDR getting into fights can be really costly because you can't just drive over to them and make it all better anymore


          Think it tru girl, are you with him because you love him, or because of the benefits of a relationship??? It's only fair to be with a person because of love, if you really think this is not for you, then the best choice is for both of you to be happy in your different paths. And being single is better than being in a selfish relationship. It's not wrong to break it off if there is no love, the only wrong thing is knowing that you don't love the person but still keep it on. Best wishes!

