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Good news and not so great news..all at once...

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    Good news and not so great news..all at once...

    Hey guys need some advice:

    So as some of you may know my SO is preparing to deploy for a year so I had every
    intention of spending as much time as possible with him and him the same with me.

    Now as I'm pretty sure none of you know I used to be a very accomplished athlete especially in basketball (actually went to college on scholarship for it). Well today at work I got an email from Army Sports asking me if I would come play basketball for them. I was
    immediately very excited about this opportunity because this is once in a lifetime thing and I never saw this happening. When I told Mitch he was happy but at the same time sad because this meant that most of the time we would have together would be taken away (I am going to see him in two days for the weekend and if I do this that could be it ).

    This made me feel bad and kind of selfish but Mitch reeassured me he wasnt mad, just kinda sad that there is a possibility we wont see eachother again before he deploys.

    So now I'm not sure what to do...I mean I love Mitch but a chance like this comes around once in a lifetime. He understands and is supportive of whatever I choose to do which just makes me love him even more. . So should I pass it up and spend more time with him before he leaves for a year or go play for the Army? Thanks for your time have a great day!
    " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
    Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

    Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011

    It sounds to me like you'd really love to go play, and I say go for it. Yes, it will be harder for your relationship, but if you guys are meant to be then you'll make it. Like you said, an opportunity like this probably won't come around again, and if all goes well you and your SO will have each other for life.

    I recommend thinking about what you would regret more 5 years down the road. Missing this opportunity, or missing the time you could have spent with your SO? Think about it for a while and hopefully it'll help you come to a decision.

    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
    -- Anonymous


      Hey girl, I'm in the exact same predicament as you are! but I have a feeling that maybe your SO was kinda prepared for the worst. Like he made sure not to get his hopes up just in case something happened just like my honey... take the opportunity you'll be happier in the long run but I know it sucks but if it's meant to be you'll be together sometime just not right now... but just message me and I'll tell u my situation I can't be too specific it's still the internet....


        Hmm, that's a tough one. Are you sure you'll only see each other for a weekend? I would see if you can get any more info on the opportunity and see when it will be, and see if it fits in with your 'prior commitments.' However, if ti came to less time versus the opportunity... I'd probably take the opportunity and invite him to come watch me play. Win-win.

        LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


          Don't pass up the chance to play, you won't get it again. Your SO will come back, and everything will be as it should be again, but for now, play. If you don't, you'll always regret it.
          Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


            I'd go for basketball too! If now you limit your opportunities because of your SO, you can regret it in the future; while if you spend less time with your SO now, you can always spend more time with him in the future!
            Moreover, isn't there the possibility for him to visit you before he leaves? You can still do your basketball training and games, but you can spend some extra time together!


              Thanks for all the great advice guys I appreciate it!

              Lostinlove- Yes I would say if I passed up this chance I would most likely regret it and my SO understands that

              Pookie- Well he knew that I had been looked at for this but I did not think anything was gna happen anymore (its 3 weeks till this starts and I just got my notice :P). I guess when I was texting him after I told him he picked up I felt bad for ruining our plans. He called me and clarified how he felt and he in no way wanted me to pass this up because this is a pretty big deal and he wants me to be happy and knows how much happiness playing gives me. He's just sad as am I it not only steps but crushes on everyhing planned.

              Silviar-Most likely. The original plans were for me to see him this weekend, him to come down for a week and a half in Apr then me to go see him then the final week he's home I go there in May. So basketball basically stepped all in that... we are trying to figure it out still and I think the most I would see him (if it works out) is 5 days which sucks...

              Moon- Thanks! I think I am going to

              Kiara- that is a possibility but Im not sure what kind of downtime I will have at training we have to talk about that..luckily its Skypedate time so we can
              " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
              Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

              Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011

